
FOSSACS'2002 - Call for papers

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

                   Foundations of Software Science
                      and Computation Structures

April 6 - 14, 2002                                    Grenoble, France

           URL:  http://www.brics.dk/fossacs02

                   A member conference of the
  European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software

           URL:  http://www-etaps.imag.fr/


FOSSACS seeks papers which offer progress in foundational research
with a clear significance to Software Sciences. Central objects of
interest are the algebraic, categorical, logical, and geometric
theories, models, and methods which support the specification,
synthesis, verification, analysis, and transformation of sequential,
concurrent, distributed, and mobile programs and software systems.

Topics covered are semantic and syntactic foundations of Computation
and Software Sciences, for instance:

  Computation processes over discrete and continuous data, methods and
  techniques for their manipulation, and analysis of their algorithmic

  Type theory, domain theory, category theory.

  Models of concurrency, and corresponding calculi, algebras, and

  Techniques for proving properties of protocols.

  Formal descriptions of general frames for the integration of
  specification techniques.


See http://www.brics.dk/fossacs02 for further details. In brief,
papers must

- be in English
- present original research which is unpublished and not submitted
- be no more than 15 pages long in Springer-Verlag format
- be submitted electronically in Postscript/PDF form (contact the
  chair if this is impossible)


October 19,   2001         Submission deadline
December 14,  2001         Notification of acceptance/rejection
January 18,   2002         Camera-ready version due
April 6 - 14, 2002         Conference dates


The invited speaker at FOSSACS'2002 will be prof. Bruno Courcelle, 
LaBRI, Université Bordeaux.


  David Basin (Freiburg, Germany)
  Julian Bradfield (Edinburgh, UK)
  Thomas Erhard (Marseille, France)
  Marcelo Fiore (Cambridge, UK)
  Carl Gunter (Upenn, USA)
  Furio Honsell (Udine, Italy)
  Mogens Nielsen, chair (Aarhus, Denmark)
  Fernando Orejas (Barcelona, Spain)
  Antoine Petit (Cachan, France)
  Frank Pfenning (CMU, USA)
  Sanjiva Prasad (IIT Delhi, India)
  Vladimiro Sassone (Sussex, UK)
  Andrzej Tarlecki (Warsaw, Poland)
  Frits Vaandrager (Nijmegen, Holland)
  Martin Wirsing (München, Germany)


Mogens Nielsen
BRICS, Department of Computer Science
University of Aarhus
Ny Munkegade Bldg 540
8000 Aarhus Denmark

email: fossacs02@brics.dk
Tel/Fax: +45 8942 3260/3255