
CFP: 4th International Workshop on Implicit Computational Complexity

The Implicit Complexity Workshop (ICC'02) will be held on 20-21 July
2002 in Copenhagen as part of the Federated Logic Conference


Implicit Computational Complexity concerns the theory and
application of logic-based, machine-independent approaches to
computational complexity.  These approaches have opened new ways of
incorporating aspects of computational complexity into areas such as
formal methods in software development, programming language design,
and database theory.

The workshop seeks original research reports on advances in implicit
computational complexity.  Topics of interest include (but are not
limited to):

 * automatic complexity analysis of programs
 * complexity analysis for functional languages
 * higher-type computational complexity
 * logical and machine-independent characterizations 
      of complexity classes
 * logics closely related to complexity classes 
 * software that applies ICC ideas in programming language design 
      and in formal methods 
 * type systems for controlling complexity


The program will consist of invited talks, sessions of contributed
papers, and software demonstrations.

Paper Submission
The results must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere.  Survey papers that present some unified perspectives are
welcome.  One author of each accepted paper is expected to present
the paper at the meeting.  Proposed contributions should be
submitted as extended abstracts, no more than 10 pages long in
11-point font.  It must be in English and provide sufficient detail
to allow the program committee to assess the merits of the paper. It
should begin with a succinct statement of the issues, a summary of
the main results, and an explanation of their significance and
relevance to the workshop. Detailed proofs, examples, programs, and
other technical information may be included in the form of

All submissions must be done electronically unless the authors have
limited access to email.  Please email your submission to
royer@ecs.syr.edu, with the phrase ``ICC submission'' as the message
subject.  Also email (to royer@ecs.syr.edu) separate a cover letter,
stating the paper's title, one corresponding author with complete
contact information (address, email, phone, fax), and names and
affiliation of other authors, if any.  The organizers expect to have
proceedings of the workshop published after the meeting

Program committee

Jean-Yves Girard (Institut de Math\'{e}matiques de Luminy, Marseille) 
Martin Hofmann (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Neil Jones (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Jean-Yves Marion (Loria, Nancy, France)  
James Royer (Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA) (Chair)
Paul Voda (Comenius University, Slovakia) 

Steering committee

Daniel Leivant (University of Indiana at Bloomington)  
Jean-Yves Marion (Loria, Nancy, France)

Submission procedure

E-mail your contribution (as a PostScript file) and your cover
letter to the program chair (royer@ecs.syr.edu) to be received by 30
April 2002. Alternatively, you can send 5 hard copies by air mail to
the program chair.

Authors with restricted copying facilities may also send a single

Important dates 

 30 April 2002       Submission deadline
 24 May 2002         Notification of authors of accepted papers 
 20-21 July 2002     Workshop Dates
 20 July - 1 August  FLOC Dates 


  The workshop home page:

  The FLOC'02 home page:

Contact information

James S. Royer
Dept. of Elec. Engrg. and Computer Science
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244 USA
tel : +1 315 443 1028  fax : +1 315 443 1122