
Positions in Paris 7 University

Universite Paris 7 - CNRS

Laboratoire d'Informatique Algorithmique : Fondements et Applications 
Laboratoire Preuves,, Programmes et Systemes  (PPS)


Il y aura au concours 2002  / University Paris 7 will hire in 2002

- 2 postes de professeur d'universite  / 2 professors
- 3 postes de maitres de conferences / 3 assistant professors

en informatique  / in computer science.

La recherche en informatique est repartie sur deux laboratoires / There 
are two computer science laboratories at Paris 7:

- LIAFA  (algorithms and combinatorics,  automata,  modelisation and 
- PPS (logic and programming)

Les deux laboratoires souhaitent renforcer et elargir leurs 
thematiques / Both laboratories seek to reinforce and enlarge their 
research themes.

Profils recherches / some possible research profiles for applicants

- tous les domaines de competence actuels des deux laboratoires / all 
present themes of LIAFA and PPS

- LIAFA: bases de donnees, bio-informatique, cryptographie, ingenierie 
de la
langue, systemes a evenements discrets / data bases, bio-informatics, 
cryptography, computational linguistics, discrete event systems

- PPS:  nous recherchons une ouverture sur les objets, ainsi que sur 
concurrence et mobilite / we seek expertise on objects, and on mobility 
and concurrency

Application information: The positions will be officially open for 
application in early 2002. Only candidates who have gone through the 
national Qualification procedure (application during the autumn of year 
n for applying to a position in year n+1) are eligible. Rather fluent 
knowledge of French is expected for teaching. The five positions are 
permanent positions, starting october 2002.

Pour plus d'information sur les deux laboratoires / URL links of the two 


Contact :

Daniel KROB - Directeur du LIAFA - dk@liafa.jussieu.fr
Pierre-Louis CURIEN - Directeur de PPS - curien@pps.jussieu.fr
