
ICFP (Functional Programming) 2002: Call for Papers

    *    Calling all functional programmers!    *
    *          ICFP'02 needs you!               *

ICFP 2002: International Conference on Functional Programming
	Pittsburgh, 3--5 October 2002

  Paper submission deadline: 21 March 2002

General Chair: Mitchell Wand, Northeastern University
Program Chair: Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research

ICFP 2002 seeks original papers on the full spectrum of the art,
science, and practice of functional programming. The conference
invites submissions on all topics ranging from principles to practice,
from foundations to features, and from abstraction to application. The
scope covers all languages that encourage programming with functions,
including both purely applicative and imperative languages, as well as
languages that support objects and concurrency.

You can find the full call for papers at

Program Committee
    Matthias Blume (Lucent)
    Margaret Burnett (Oregon State University)
    Manuel Chakravarty (University of New South Wales)
    Matthew Flatt (University of Utah)
    Haruo Hosoya (Kyoto University)
    Uwe Nestmann (EPFL, Lausanne)
    Chris Okasaki (United States Military Academy)
    Norman Ramsey (Harvard University)
    David Sands (Chalmers University)
    Olin Shivers (Georgia Tech)
    Stephanie Weirich (Cornell)
    Joe Wells (Heriot Watt University)