Cfp: Domain Theory Workshop in Honour of Dana Scott's 70'th birthday
Call for Papers to
Workshop on Domain Theory
in Honour of Dana S. Scott's 70'th birthday.
July 20-21, 2002
Affiliated with FLoC'02
This workshop on Domain Theory is held in honour of Dana Scott's 70'th
birthday. The workshop is aimed at computer scientists and mathematicians
who share an interest in the mathematical foundations of computer science.
The workshop will focus on domains, their applications, and closely related
topics. Contributions establishing connections to logic, type theory,
recursion theory, and topology are welcome. Contributions on applications of
domains in semantics etc. are also very welcome. The workshop will have
invited talks and contributed research talks of 30 minutes each.
Invited Speakers:
Pierre-Louis Curien, CNRS, Universite Paris 7
Martin Hyland, University of Cambridge
Gordon Plotkin, University of Edinburgh
John C. Reynolds, Carnegie Mellon University
Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen, University of Uppsala (provisional)
Glynn Winskel, University of Cambridge (provisional)
Submission Procedure:
Researchers are invited to submit an extended abstract of at most 10
pages by sending an e-message containing the postscript file to
birkedal@it-c.dk or by mailing a copy to
Lars Birkedal
The IT University of Copenhagen
Glentevej 67
DK-2400 Copenhagen NV
before April 15, 2002. Authors will be notified of acceptance by May 31, 2002.
We expect the invited and contributed papers will be published in
ENTCS and available for the workshop. We also expect to edit a special issue
of a major scientific journal.
Lars Birkedal, birkedal@it-c.dk
Giuseppe Rosolini, rosolini@disi.unige.it
The workshop is supported in part by:
The Theory Deparment at the IT University of Copenhagen