2nd CFP Types Summer School'02
** NEW information:
The DEAD-LINE for application for a GRANT is Friday April 12, 2002.
Please distribute the following announcement to your colleagues
Apologies for multiple copies
2nd C A L L F O R P A R T I C I P A T I O N
The 3rd International Types Summer School:
Giens, France, September 2-13 2002
is organized by the IST European project "TYPES"
(Computer-Assisted Reasoning based on Type Theory).
During the last few years major achievements have been made in using
computers for interactive proof developments to produce secure software.
This two weeks' course is for postgraduate students, researchers and
industrials who want to learn about interactive proof development.
There will be introductory and advanced lectures on lambda calculus,
type theory, logical frameworks, program extraction, and other topics
which give relevant theoretical background. Several talks will be
devoted to the presentation of applications.
The proof assistants presented in the school represent the current
state-of-the-art in interactive theorem proving. Participants will
get extensive opportunities to use the systems in a workstation
environment for developing their own proofs.
The DEADLINE for APPLICATION is Friday April 19, 2002.
The DEAD-LINE for application for a GRANT is Friday April 12, 2002.
Joelle Despeyroux