Reminder: LICS 2002 Short Presentations
**************** Submission Deadline is MARCH 29 *********************
Seventeenth Annual IEEE Symposium on
July 22nd - 25th, 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark
The LICS Symposium is an annual international forum on theoretical and
practical topics in computer science that relate to logic in a broad
sense. LICS 2002 will be part of the 2002 Federated Logic Conference
(FLoC 2002), to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, July 20th - August
1st, 2002.
LICS 2002 will have a session of short (5-10 minutes)
presentations. This session is intended for descriptions of work in
progress, student projects, and relevant research being published
elsewhere; other brief communications may be acceptable. Submissions
for these presentations, in the form of short abstracts (1 or 2 pages
long), should be entered at the LICS submission site
March 29th, 2002.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by April 12th,
Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest for submissions
include: automata theory, automated deduction, categorical models and
logics, concurrency and distributed computation, constraint
programming, constructive mathematics, database theory, domain theory,
finite model theory, formal aspects of program analysis, formal
methods, hybrid systems, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic,
logical aspects of computational complexity, logics in artificial
intelligence, logics of programs, logic programming, modal and
temporal logics, model checking, programming language semantics,
reasoning about security, rewriting, specifications, type systems and
type theory, and verification.
Program Chair:
Gordon Plotkin
Division of Informatics
The University of Edinburgh
James Clerk Maxwell Building
Mayfield Road
Edinburgh EH9 3JZ
United Kingdom
Email: gdp@dcs.ed.ac.uk
Phone: + 44 131 650 5158
Fax: + 44 131 667 7209
Program Committee:
Franz Baader, RWTH Aachen
Marco Cadoli, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza"
Vincent Danos, CNRS, Universite Paris VII
Anuj Dawar, University of Cambridge
Rocco De Nicola, Universita degli Studi di Firenze
Harald Ganzinger, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
Orna Grumberg, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Robert Harper, Carnegie Mellon University
Furio Honsell, University of Udine
Phokion Kolaitis, University of California at Santa Cruz
Johann Makowski, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Oded Maler, CNRS-Verimag
Yoram Moses, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Robert Nieuwenhuis, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)
Peter O'Hearn, Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London
Doron A. Peled, Bell Laboratories
Benjamin C. Pierce, University of Pennsylvania
Andrew Pitts, University of Cambridge
Gordon Plotkin (chair), University of Edinburgh
Andreas Podelski, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
Andre Scedrov, University of Pennsylvania
Peter Thiemann, Universitaet Freiburg
Andrei Voronkov, University of Manchester