20 Years of PLDI - A Selection
[I'm on the program committee for this. Please nominate your
favorites, and please feel free to bend my ear about them. -- P]
To the PLDI Community,
Due to popular demand, the deadline is extended until Friday
April 5th.
Please nominate your favorite papers _TODAY_ for inclusion in
"20 Years of PLDI - A Selection"
Kathryn McKinley
Editor, "20 Years of PLDI - A Selection"
Philip Wadler wadler@avaya.com
Avaya Labs http://www.research.avayalabs.com/user/wadler/
233 Mount Airy Road, room 2C05 office: +1 908 696 5137
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 fax: +1 908 696 5402
USA home: +1 908 626 9252
cell: +1 908 872 4436
"When a Mathematical Reasoning can be had it's as great a folly to make
use of any other, as to grope for a thing in the dark, when you have a
Candle standing by you." -- John Arbuthnot, 1692