
workshop on higher-order rewriting 2002 call for abstracts

     The First International Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting
                July 21st, 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark 

                   Held in conjunction with FLOC'02



The aim of HOR is to provide an informal setting to discuss recent work and
work in progress concerning higher-order rewriting.

The topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to: 

* Applications

  proof checking, 
  theorem proving, 
  declarative programming, 
  program transformation.

* Foundations

  pattern matching,
  syntactic properties,
  type theory.

* Frameworks:
  term rewriting, 
  conditional rewriting, 
  graph rewriting, 
  net rewriting, 
  comparisons of different frameworks.
* Implementation:
  rewriting tools, 
  compilation techniques.

* Semantics:

  semantics of higher-order rewriting, 
  higher-order abstract syntax,


Authors are invited  to submit a one-page abstract  in PostScript format by
e-mail  to Delia.Kesner@lri.fr.   Accepted abstracts  will be  collected in
preliminary proceedings which will be  available at the workshop.  At least
one author of each accepted abstract  is expected to attend the workshop to
present the work.  



 Delia  Kesner        (Universite Paris-Sud, France)
 Tobias Nipkow        (Technische Universität München, Germany) 
 Femke  van Raamsdonk (Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands)


Vincent van Oostrom   (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) 
Joe Wells             (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland) 


Submission:    Monday May 6, 2002
Notification:  Monday May 27, 2002
Final Version: Monday June 24, 2002
Workshop:      Saturday July 21, 2002