
CTCS '02, Aug. 15-17, Ottawa

			  AUGUST 15-17, 2002

			  AUGUST 12-14, 2002

			 University of Ottawa
		       Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

                     First Call for Participation


CTCS '02 is the 9th Conference on Category Theory and Computer
Science. The purpose of the conference series is the advancement of
the foundations of computing using the tools of category theory.  The
emphasis is upon applications of category theory, but it is recognized
that the area is highly interdisciplinary.

Typical topics of interest include, but are not limited to,
category-theoretic aspects of the following:

coalgebras and computing
concurrent and distributed systems 
constructive mathematics
declarative programming and term rewriting 
domain theory and topology
foundations of computer security
linear logic 
modal and temporal logics
models of computation 
program logics, data refinement, and specification 
programming language semantics 
type theory

Previous meetings have been held in Guildford (Surrey), Edinburgh
(twice), Manchester, Paris, Amsterdam, Cambridge, and S. Margherita
Ligure (Genova). This is the first time CTCS will be held in North

The proceedings of the conference will be published as a special issue
of ENTCS (Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science). Paper
copies of the proceedings will be available to participants at the

The conference will have 4 invited speakers, and they are:

Eric Goubault (CEA/Saclay)
Guy McCusker (Sussex)
Peter Selinger (Ottawa)
Paul Syverson (Naval Research Laboratory)


One new feature that CTCS will have this year is a "preconference"
from August 12-14. This is supported in part by a grant from CRM, the
Centre de Recherches Mathematiques (Univ. of Montreal).  The goal is to
prepare students for CTCS, through mini-courses in the basic areas underlying the 
fields of the  conference. We anticipate offering courses in the following 

Introduction to Category Theory
Introduction to Categorical Logic
Communication and Concurrency
Game Semantics
Linear Logic


Rick Blute, Chair (Ottawa) 
Robin Cockett (Calgary)
Thierry Coquand (Chalmers)
Andrea Corradini (Pisa) 
Thomas Ehrhard (Luminy) 
Ryu Hasegawa (Tokyo)
Martin Hofmann (Munich)
Bart Jacobs (Nijmegen)
Michael Johnson (Macquarie)
Dusko Pavlovic (Kestrel Institute) 
Alex Simpson (Edinburgh)


E. Moggi, Chair, (Genova) 
S. Abramsky (Oxford)
P. Dybjer (Chalmers) 
B. Jay (Sydney)
A. Pitts (Cambridge)


R. Blute (Ottawa)   rblute@mathstat.uottawa.ca	
P. Scott (Ottawa)   phil@site.uottawa.ca, scpsg@matrix.cc.uottawa.ca


We have arranged several special hotel rates. Both hotels are within
walking distance of the conference. We request that you make hotel 
reservations yourself. If there are any problems, please contact one of
the local organizers. (Note that all prices are in Canadian dollars.)

1) Ramada Hotel & Suites Ottawa
(Use Group Code 2451 to get special rates.)

111 Cooper Street
Ottawa, ONTARIO K2P 2E3
Tel: 1-613-238-1331
FAX: 1-613-230-2179
email: ramada@ramada-ottawa.com
website: www.ramada.ca/ottsuit.html

This is avalable from Wednesday, August 14, 2002  to Sunday, August 18, 
2002  (departure on Monday).

Rate:  $109.00  single or double occupancy
Deadline: July 14th, 2002

2) Novotel Ottawa Hotel
(Use Contract #0002166 and Reference #3878 to get special rates.)

33 Nicholas Street 
Ottawa, ONTARIO K1N 9M7
Phone:1-613-230-3033 or 
1-800-668-6835 (Reservations worldwide-no charge dial)

website: www.bestlodging.com/sites1/17534/index.shtml

This is available from  Wednesday, August 14, 2002  to  
Sunday, August 18, 2002 (departure on Monday).  

Rate: $129 single or double, $144 triple, $159 Quad
Deadline: June 30th, 2002

We may also have a VERY limited number of university dorm rooms available 
at much cheaper rates. We will give them away on a first come, first
served basis. Contact local organizers for this.


Updated information is available at
http://www.mathstat.uottawa.ca/lfc/ctcs2002    .

Registration forms will appear there within the next few days,
as well as dormitory registration forms.  Please register as 
soon as possible.  (NOTE:  CTCS  is being held at U. Ottawa,
but the conference registrar and coordinator is Ms. Gillian S. Murray,
at Carleton University, as shown on the Registration Forms). 

A complete list of accepted papers will appear in the second call for