[EXPRESS 2002] deadline extension: June 2
To: concurrency@cwi.nl, eapls@jiscmail.ac.uk, PetriNets@daimi.au.dk, types@cis.upenn.edu, theorynt@listserv.nodak.edu, eatcs-it@cs.unibo.it, eacsl@dimi.uniud.it, logic@CS.Cornell.EDU, logic@theory.lcs.mit.edu, amast@cs.utwente.nl, tfm-list@doc.ic.ac.uk
Subject: [EXPRESS 2002] deadline extension: June 2
From: Uwe.Nestmann@EPFL.ch
Date: 23 May 2002 19:37:23 +0200
Sender: uwe@lamppc24.epfl.ch
User-Agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1
9th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency
Brno, Czech Republic, August 19, 2002
Held in conjunction with the conference CONCUR 2002
The EXPRESS workshops aim at bringing together researchers
interested in the relations between various formal systems,
particularly in the field of Concurrency. More specifically,
they focus on the comparison between programming concepts
(such as concurrent, functional, imperative, logic and
object-oriented programming) and between mathematical models
of computation (such as process algebras, Petri nets, event
structures, modal logics, rewrite systems etc.) on the basis
of their relative expressive power.
Invited Speakers:
Catuscia Palamidessi (Penn State U., USA)
Igor Walukiewicz (U. Warsaw, Poland)
Uwe Nestmann (EPFL, CH)
Prakash Panangaden (McGill U., CA)
Important dates:
Paper submission: June 2, 2002
Notification: June 30, 2002
Final version: August 4, 2002
Program Committee:
Martin Berger (U. London, UK)
Alan Jeffrey (DePaul U., USA)
Barbara König (TU München, D)
Francois Laroussinie (ENS Cachan, F)
James Leifer (INRIA Rocquencourt, F)
Massimo Merro (U. Sussex, Brighton, UK)
Faron Moller (U. Wales, Swansea, UK)
Uwe Nestmann (EPFL, CH)
Prakash Panangaden (McGill U., CA)
Arend Rensink (U. Twente, NL)
Peter Sewell (U. Cambridge, UK)
Gianluigi Zavattaro (U. Bologna, I)
Submission Instructions:
Submissions may be of two forms:
Short abstracts (not included in the proceedings):
up to 4 pages, typeset 11 points; and
Full papers: up to 12 pages, typeset 11 points
(excluding bibliography and technical appendices).
Both forms of submission should include a separate page with the
following information: title, author(s), corresponding author,
contact information and a 12-15 lines summary. Simultaneous
submission to other conferences or journals is only allowed for
short abstracts.
Electronic submission is strongly encouraged. The paper or abstract
should be sent by e-mail in the form of a ghostview-able postscript
file to both the addresses
The accompanying page should be sent in a separate email message.
If surface mail has to be used, then 3 copies of the paper/abstract
should be sent to:
Uwe Nestmann
EPFL-LAMP, Ecublens INR 317
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
or to
Prakash Panangaden
School of Computer Science, McGill University
3480 rue University (Salle 318)
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2A7, Canada
The proceedings will be published after the workshop in the
ENTCS (Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science).
A printed preliminary version of the proceedings will be available
at the workshop. The invitation of selected papers for publication
in a journal is currently under consideration.
Additional information:
For further information, please e-mail to the organizers.