
Final CFP / Deadline Extension: RULE'02

                     FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS: RULE'02

                *** Extended Deadline: June 10, 2002 ***

          Third ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Rule-Based Programming
                       Satellite event of PLI'02

                       Saturday, October 5, 2002
                            Pittsburgh,  USA


The basic concepts of rule-based programming appear throughout computer
science, from theoretical foundations to practical implementations.
Term rewriting is used in semantics in order to describe the meaning of
programming languages, as well as in the implementation of program
transformation systems. It is used implicitly or explicitly to perform
computations, e.g., in Mathematica, OBJ, or ELAN, or to perform deductions,
e.g., by using inference rules to describe or implement a logic, theorem
prover or constraint solver. Extreme examples of rule-based programming
include the mail system in Unix which uses rules in order to rewrite mail
addresses to canonical forms, or the transition rules used in model checkers.

Rule-based programming is currently experiencing a renewed period of
growth with the emergence of new concepts and systems that allow a better
understanding and better usability. On the theoretical side, after the
in-depth study of rewriting concepts during the eighties, the nineties
saw the emergence of the general concepts of rewriting logic and of the
rewriting calculus. On the practical side, new languages such as ASM,
ASF+SDF, BURG, Claire, ELAN, Maude, and Stratego, new systems such as
LRR and commercial products such as Ilog Rules and Eclipse have shown
that rules are a useful programming tool.

The practical application of rule-based programming prompts research into
the algorithmic complexity and optimization of rule-based programs as well
as into the expressivity, semantics and implementation of rule-based
languages. Here, a particular focus is the use and specification of
strategies as a high-level control flow concept for the application of the
rules. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers from
the various communities working on rule-based programming to foster
fertilisation between theory and practice, as well as to favour the growth
of this programming paradigm.

We solicit original papers on all topics of rule-based programming,
including but not restricted to

* Languages for rule-based programming
  - Expressivity
  - Semantics
  - Implementation techniques
* Applications of rule-based programming
  - Analysis of rule-based programs
  - Programming methods
* Environments for rule-based programming
  - (Partial) Evaluation
  - Abstract machines for rewriting
* Combination of rule-based programming with other paradigms
* System descriptions

Papers should not exceed 12 pages in length, including figures, references,
and appendices; authors should use at least a 10pt style. Accepted papers
will be published by ACM and will become part of the ACM Digital Library.

For submission, a single self-contained .ps-file or .pdf-file should be
emailed to the program co-chairs

  Bernd Fischer  (fisch@email.arc.nasa.gov)
  Eelco Visser   (visser@cs.uu.nl)

no later than June 10, 2002. Please send a short email with title and
abstract to the program co-chairs no later than June 3, 2002, the original
deadline. Please make sure the files print on standard printers - garbled
submissions will not be reviewed!

Important Dates

  Abstract:      June 3, 2002
  Submission:    June 10, 2002
  Notification:  August 19, 2002
  Final version: September 15, 2002
  Workshop:      October 5, 2002

Invited Speaker:

  Todd Proebsting (Microsoft Research):
  ''BURG, IBURG, WBURG, GBURG:  So Many Trees to Rewrite, So Little Time.''

Program Committee

Bernd Fischer (Co-Chair) RIACS/NASA Ames,  (fisch@email.arc.nasa.gov)
Eelco Visser  (Co-Chair) U. Utrecht,       (visser@cs.uu.nl)
Mark van den Brand, CWI & INRIA/LORIA
Jim Cordy,          Queen's U., Canada
Francois Fages,     INRIA
Thom Fruehwirth,    LMU M"unchen
Claude Kirchner,    INRIA/LORIA
Herbert Kuchen,     U. M"unster
Mark Minas,         U. Erlangen
Oege de Moor,       Oxford U.

Bernd Fischer                             Automated Software Engineering Group
USRA/RIACS, NASA Ames Research Center                 fisch@email.arc.nasa.gov
M/S 269-2                               http://ase.arc.nasa.gov/people/fischer
Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA             +1(650)604-2977  fax 4036  rm 269-239