
CONCUR'02 Call for Participation

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**                        C O N C U R    2 0 0 2                         **
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**                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION                         **
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**      !!!!  DO NOT MISS THE EARLY PAYMENT - DUE ON  JULY 8   !!!!      **
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**        The 13th International Conference on Concurrency Theory        **
**                                                                       **
**               August 20-23, 2002, Brno, Czech Republic                **
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**                   http://www.fi.muni.cz/concur2002/                   **
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CONCUR 2002, the international conference on concurrency theory, will
be organised by the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University in
Brno, Czech Republic. The purpose of the CONCUR conferences is to
bring together researchers, developers and students in order to
advance the theory of concurrency, and promote its
applications. Interest in this topic is continuously growing, as a
consequence of the importance and ubiquity of concurrent systems and
their applications, and of the scientific relevance of their

CONCUR 2002 programme 
  consists of five invited talks, two tutorials, and 32 contributed 
  papers selected out of 101 submissions. CONCUR 2002 is accompanied 
  by seven satellite workshops and a special event called `Tools day'.
  ** A Detailed schedule of talks is now available at the conference **
  ** homepage.                                                       **

CONCUR 2002  Invited Talks:

 * Amir Pnueli (keynote)
   A Deductive Proof System for CTL*

 * Vaughan Pratt (keynote) 
   Event-State Duality: The Enriched Case

 * Wan Fokkink
   Refinement and Verification Applied to an In-Flight Data Acquisition Unit

 * Alexander Rabinovich 
   Expressive Power of Temporal Logics

 * Davide Sangiorgi
   Types, or: Where's the difference between CCS and pi?

CONCUR 2002  Tutorials:

 * Julian Bradfield 
   Introduction to modal and temporal mu-calculi

 * Andrew D. Gordon 
   Types for Cryptographic Protocols

CONCUR 2002 Affiliated Workshops:

  * CMCIM'02    - Categorical Methods for Concurrency, Interaction, 
                  and Mobility

  * EXPRESS'02  - Expressiveness in Concurrency

  * FATES'02    - Formal Approaches to Testing of Software

  * FOCLASA'02  - Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software 

  * INFINITY'02 - Verification of Infinite State Systems

  * MTCS'02     - Models for Time-Critical Systems

  * PDMC'02     - Parallel and Distributed Model Checking

   gives a platform for presenting recent developments in the area of 
   software tools for technology transfer, and offers an opportunity to 
   discuss future trends and needs.

THE LIST OF INVITED SPEAKERS of the affiliated events includes 

  * Orna Grumberg  (PDMC'02)

  * Kim G. Larsen  (Tools Day)  

  * Catuscia Palamidessi  (EXPRESS'02)

  * Colin Stirling (INFINITY'02)

  * Moshe Y. Vardi (PDMC'02)

  * Igor Walukiewicz (EXPRESS'02)

  * Elaine Weyuker (FATES'02)


  * welcome reception

  * conference dinner will be held in hotel SANTON (a nice view over 
    the Brno's dam)

  * trip to Moravian Karst (Macocha abyss, Punkva caves, a boat ride down
                            the Punkva river,...)


There is only one registration form for the CONCUR 2002 conference and all 
of its affiliated events. Various optional discounts are available, which
allow to participate at very low costs (especially suitable for PhD students). 
The www registration form with detailed instructions and explanations is 
available at



    Jan Staudek (OC), Antonin Kucera (PC)

    Address:      CONCUR 2002
                  Faculty of Informatics
                  Masaryk University
                  Botanicka 68a 
                  60200 Brno 
                  Czech Republic

                  tel: ++420-5-4151 2339
                  fax: ++420-5-4121 2568
                  e-mail: {staudek,kucera}@fi.muni.cz


    * http://www.fi.muni.cz/concur2002/

    * concur02@fi.muni.cz

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