F-WAN: Programme and Call for Participation
[-- This announcement may interest the Types reader:
it is the final call of a series passed on the list \vs --]
F-WAN: Foundations of Wide Area Network Computing
12-13 July 2002, Málaga Spain
Programme and Call for Participation
The programme of F-WAN is as follows. Further details are available
at the workshop homepage. Registration procedure below.
Fri 12
9:00 -- 10:00 Invited talk: Luca Cardelli (Microsoft Research,
Spatial Logics for Distributed Systems
10:00 -- 10:45 Joachim Gabarró (UPC, Barcelona), Alan Stewart, and
Maurice Clint (Queen's U, Belfast), Grab and Go
Systems: a CPO approach to concurrent web and
grid-based computation
11:15 -- 12:00 Nadia Busi and Gianluigi Zavattaro (Bologna), On the
Expressiveness of Movement in Pure Mobile Ambients
12:00 -- 12:45 Maria G. Vigliotti and Iain Phillips (Imperial,
London), Barbs and Congruences for Safe Mobile Ambients
15:00 -- 16:00 Invited talk (joint with FMICS): Andrew D. Gordon
(Microsoft Research, Cambridge),
Authenticity Types for Cryptographic Protocols
16:00 -- 16:45 Gianluigi Ferrari (Pisa), Eugenio Moggi (Genova) and
Rosario Pugliese (Florence), Guardians for
Ambient-based Monitoring
17:10 -- 17:55 Silvia Crafa, Michele Bugliesi (Venice), and Giuseppe
Castagna (ENS, Paris), Information Flow Security for
Boxed Ambients
Sat 13
9:00 -- 10:00 Invited talk: Martín Abadi (UC Santa Cruz),
Some Recent Security Protocols
10:00 -- 10:45 Viviana Bono, Ferruccio Damiani, and Paola Giannini
(Torino), A Calculus for ``Environment-Aware''
11:15 -- 12:00 Dominic Duggan (Stevens Institute, NJ), Abstractions
for Fault-Tolerant Global Computing
12:00 -- 12:45 Florence Germain, Marc Lacoste (France Telecom), and
Jean-Bernard Stefani (INRIA Rhône-Alpes), An Abstract
Machine for a Higher-Order Distributed Process
15:00 -- 16:00 Invited talk: Matthew Hennessy (Sussex),
Behavioural Equivalences for Distributed Agents
16:00 -- 16:45 José-Luis Vivas (Hewlett-Packard Labs, Bristol) and
Nobuko Yoshida (Leicester), Dynamic Channel Screening
in the Higher Order pi-Calculus
Registration and Accommodation
Registration and booking of accommodation are through the ICALP 2002
organisation at <http://sirius.lcc.uma.es/ICALP2002/> (follow the
`registration' link). Enquiries can be directed to Marlon Nuñez
The workshop will be held under the auspices of EATCS, the European
Association of Theoretical Computer Science.