Paper announcement: Language-Based Information-Flow Security
To: types@cis.upenn.edu
Subject: Paper announcement: Language-Based Information-Flow Security
From: Andrei Sabelfeld <andrei@CS.Cornell.EDU>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 17:39:04 -0400
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We would like to announce the availability of a survey paper on
language-based techniques for the specification and enforcement
of confidentiality properties. The paper is to appear in IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communication.
Language-Based Information-Flow Security
Andrei Sabelfeld Andrew C. Myers
Current standard security practices do not provide substantial
assurance that the end-to-end behavior of a computing system
satisfies important security policies such as confidentiality. An
end-to-end confidentiality policy might assert that secret input
data cannot be inferred by an attacker through the attacker's
observations of system output; this policy regulates information
Conventional security mechanisms such as access control and
encryption do not directly address the enforcement of
information-flow policies. Recently, a promising new approach has
been developed: the use of programming-language techniques for
specifying and enforcing information-flow policies. In this article
we survey the past three decades of research on information-flow
security, particularly focusing on work that uses static program
analysis to enforce information-flow policies. We give a structured
view of recent work in the area and identify some important open
Keywords: Computer security, confidentiality, information flow,
noninterference, security-type systems, covert channels,
security policies, concurrency.
Paper available via
BibTeX file with references made in the survey available via
Comments and suggestions are most welcome.
Best wishes,
Andrei Sabelfeld and Andrew C. Myers