

Please note that, following several requests, the deadline of the
submissions for the VMCAI'03 conference has been extended. The new 
deadline is: 

|                                                                     |
|                     September 17th, 2002 - firm                     |
|                                                                     |

                With Apology for Multiple Transmissions


                        CALL FOR PAPERS

               Fourth International Conference on
                  NYU, January 9--11, 2003
               URL:  http://www.cis.upenn.edu/vmcai/

The purpose of VMCAI is to provide a forum for reserachers from the three
communities (Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation)
that will facilitate interaction, cross-fertilization, and the advance of
hybrid methods that combine the three.  With the growing need for formal
tools to reason about complex, infinite-state, and embedded systems,
such hybrid methods are bound to be of great importance.

Papers are solicited of two categories: (1) reporting new results as well as
experimental evaluation and comparisons of existing techniques, and (2) survey
papers that shed light on the existing methods, their role in verificaiton, and
the relations among them.

Topics include but are not limited to:

    * program verification
    * static analysis techniques
    * model checking
    * program certification
    * type systems
    * abstract domains
    * debugging techniques
    * compiler optimization.
    * embedded systems
    * formal analysis of security protocols

The proceedings of the conference will be published in the Springer-Verlag
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

Some funds to support students to attend the conference are available.

Paper Submission
Postscript or PDF files of detailed abstract (up to 12 pages, excluding
bibliography and including cover page) should be e-mailed to Lenore Zuck
(zuck@cs.nyu.edu) by September 10, 2002.  Each submission should also include a
cover page including the title, authors, a brief synopsis, a category (1 for
new results, 2 for survey papers) and a contact author name and e-mail address.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by October 20, and accepted paper will
be due on Noveber 10.

Important Dates
Papers Submission Deadline: September 17, 2002 (firm)
Notification of acceptance: October 20, 2002
Camera ready version due: November 10, 2002
Conference : January 9-11, 2003, New York University, New York

Amir Pnueli New York University (USA) and Weizmann Institute (IL)
Andreas Podelski Max Planck Institute (D)

Rajeev Alur             (UPenn)
Paul C. Attie           (Northeastern)
Annalisa Bossi          (U. Ca' Foscari)
Agostino Cortesi        (U. Ca' Foscari)
Radhia Cousot           (Ecole Polytechnique)
Javier Esparza          (Edinburgh)
Andrew D. Gordon        (Microsoft Research)
Radu Grosu              (SUNY Stony Brook)
Joshua Guttman          (Mitre)
Barbara König           (TU München)
Salvatore La Torre      (UPenn)
Giorgio Levi            (Pisa)
Michael Lowry           (Nasa Ames)
Supratik Mukhopadhyay   (UPenn, co-chair)
Doron A. Peled          (UT Austin)
Colin P. Stirling       (Edinburgh)
Lenore D. Zuck          (NYU, co-chair)

Radu Grosu              (SUNY Stony Brook)

Agostino Cortesi  (Ca' Foscari)
E. Allen Emerson  (UT Austin)
Giorgio Levi      (Pisa)
Andreas Podelski  (MPI)
Thomas W. Reps    (U of Wisc.)
David A. Schmidt  (Kansas State U.)