
Mini-school on theoretical computer science

The Logic group  of the University of Chambery (UMR 5127 of CNRS) and 
the group Semantic of computation of  the University of Torino organize 
in Aussois (France 73) from  January 29  to February 1 2003 a 
(mini)-school of theoritical computer science.
This school is open to every PhD student or researcher.

3 courses will be given :
- A course on mobility by   Daniel Hirschkoff (Ens Lyon).
- A course on  object langages  by Viviana Bono (Birmingham).
- A course on linear logic : the mathematical part by Laurent Régnier 
(Marseille) and  the part dedicated to applications by  Luca Roversi 

Practical organisation and application form :

Application is required before november 30 2002