
Announce: Types for Global Computing

I think that some subscribers of the type mailing list that happen to be
in Paris in mid-january may be interested in attending the following
workshop I organize at the ENS (for more information and last minute
changes see http://www.di.ens.fr/~castagna/TGC/)


Giuseppe Castagna


January the 10th, 2003. Salle des Actes, Ecole Normale Supérieure,

Start (8.50-9.00)

Security for Mobility (Chair M.Hennessy)
"Resource Access Control and Dynamic Privileges Acquisition" 
   D. Gorla (Univ. Firenze)
"Information Flow Analysis in Boxed Ambient" 
   Ivano Salvo (ENS Paris - Univ. Roma)
"Dependent types for Mobile Ambients" 
   Cédric Lhoussaine (COGS Brighton)

Coffee Break (10.30-11.00)

Ambients and Semantics (Chair G.Longo)
"Cryptographic Boxed Ambients" 
   M. Bugliesi (Univ. Venezia)
"Capacity bounded computational ambients "
   Vladimiro Sassone (COGS Brighton)
"Subtyping in logical forms" 
   U. de' Liguoro (Univ. Torino)

Lunch (12.30-14.30)

Semistructured data (Chair G.Castagna)
"Semantic Subtyping" 
   Alain Frisch (ENS Paris)
"Correctness and Result Analysis for XML Queries"
   D. Colazzo (Univ. Venezia)

Concurrency (chair G.Boudol or R.De Nicola)
"Name Generation and Higher-Order Processes"
   Francesco Zappa Nardelli (ENS Paris)
"A Nominal Type System for a Nominal Process Calculus"
   Silvano dal Zilio (LIF Marseille)

Coffee Break (16.30-17.00)

Languages (Chair M.Coppo)
"MoMi: a calculus for mobile mixins"
   L. Bettini (Univ. Firenze)
"Stronger Typings for Separate Compilation of Java-like Languages"
   D. Ancona (DISI Genova)
"Can addresses be types?"
   M. Dezani and P. Giannini (Univ. Torino)