Summer school on the Foundation of Security
Preliminary Announcement
Summer School on the Foundations of Security
Eugene, Oregon, USA
June 16 - 27 , 2003
Martin Abadi University of California at Santa Cruz
Zena M. Ariola University of Oregon
Hugo Herbelin INRIA
John Mitchell Stanford University
Scientific committee:
Luca Cardelli Microsoft Research, Cambridge
Pierre-Louis Curien University of Paris 7
Robert Harper Carnegie Mellon University
Catuscia Palamidessi INRIA
Frank Pfenning Carnegie Mellon University
Benjamin Pierce University of Pennsylvania
The summer school on the Foundation of Security
is a two week course for computer scientists and mathematicians
interested in formal methods applied to software security.
The program runs from Monday, June 16 to Friday, June 27, 2003.
Graduate students who wish to attend should send an application
consisting of a short description of their educational background
and one letter of reference to summer-school-security@cs.uoregon.edu.
We anticipate making available a number of grants to cover travel and
lodging costs for qualified graduate students.
A web site with more information will be available soon
at http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/activities/summerschool/summer03/.
You can access information (including great pictures!) on last year summer
school at
Preliminary program
- Type Systems
Robert Harper - Carnegie Mellon University
- Inductive Types
Christine Paulin - INRIA
- Linear Logic
Pierre-Louis Curien - University of Paris 7
- Coinduction and bisimulation
- Formal methods and security
Catherine A. Meadows - Naval Research Laboratory
- Cryptographic Protocols
Cedric Fournet - Microsoft Research, Cambridge
- Language Based Information Security
Steve Zdancewic - University of Pennsylvania
- Typed Assembly Languages and Proof Carrying Code
David Walker - Princeton University
- Global Computing
Vladimiro Sassone - University of Sussex
- Linear Logic and Security
Iliano Cervesato - Naval Research Laboratory