
AMILP III Announcement

       Third AMAST Workshop on Algebraic Methods in Language Processing 
                   Verona, Italy, 25-27 August 2003 
                First Announcement and Call for Papers 

      AIMS AND SCOPE. The Third AMAST Workshop on Algebraic Methods in 
      Language Processing, AMiLP-3, is aimed at collecting state-of-art 
      approaches and results in formal language theory, programming 
      language theory and natural language theory. 
        Like its predecessors, held in 1995 at the University of Twente, 
      Enschede, the Netherlands, and in 2000 at the University of Iowa, 
      Iowa City, USA, the workshop is organized jointly within the Twente 
      Workshop in Language Processing (TWLT) series.

      TOPICS. Research contributions are sought in all aforementioned 
      areas of language theory, as well as other areas of language theory 
      and language processing, including, but not limited to: formal 
      specification and analysis, relational and higher-order languages 
      and calculi, man-machine interaction languages, graphic and visual 
      languages, dialogue modeling, language translation, languages for 
      concurrent and mobile computing, new and emerging specification and 
      programming paradigms. A common feature of work relevant to the 
      workshop is the use of mathematical concepts, in particular the 
      use of an algebraic approach. Type theory is also considered as one
      of the unifying approaches that underlie theories of these languages.
      Due to the viewpoints of this workshop, traditional boundaries 
      between the areas may disappear, allowing researchers to learn 
      from areas that were uncommon to them before.

      SUBMISSIONS. Papers are sought describing original research work, 
      even if in progress or under tentative approaches. Initially we ask 
      you to submit a max. 4-page extended abstract. These contributions 
      will be evaluated by the Program Committee and selected on basis 
      of originality, significance, and relevance to the workshop aims. 
      Authors of accepted contributions will have the opportunity to 
      expand them to a max. 15-page full paper, for inclusion in the 
      proceedings of the workshop. Contributions are to be submitted 
      electronically, in PDF or printable PostScript format, either 
      through the workshop website or by e-mail (to either PC Chair or 
      to the PC Secretary, see below).

      IMPORTANT DATES. Abstract submission: 14 March, 2003 
                       Notification:        14 April, 2003 
                       Full version:        11 July, 2003 
                       Early registration:  25 July, 2003 
                       AMiLP-3 workshop:    25-27 August, 2003

      PROCEEDINGS. There will be a participants' proceedings volume in 
      the TWLT series published by the University of Twente, containing 
      the full papers, which will be made available at the workshop. 
      For previous volumes in the series see URL: 
      If there will be enough contributions of sufficiently high quality, 
      a selection of the presented papers will be considered for 
      publication in a journal special issue, as it happened with the 
      previous editions of the workshop.
      Anton Nijholt (Chair, Enschede) 
      Giuseppe Scollo (Chair, Verona) 
      Domenico Cantone (Catania) 
      Roberto Giacobazzi (Verona) 
      Dirk Heylen (Enschede) 
      Aravind Joshi (Philadelphia) 
      Geert-Jan Kruijff (Saarbruecken) 
      Vincenzo Manca (Verona) 
      Uwe Moennich (Tuebingen) 
      Till Mossakowski (Bremen) 
      Mark-Jan Nederhof (Groningen) 
      Maurice Nivat (Paris) 
      Teodor Rus (Iowa City) 
      Fausto Spoto (Verona) 
      Martin Wirsing (Muenchen)
      LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (University of Verona) 
      Fausto Spoto (Chair) 
      Giuditta Franco 
      Roberto Giacobazzi 
      Isabella Mastroeni 
      Nicola Piccinini 
      Giuseppe Scollo
      FURTHER INFORMATION. The AMiLP-3 website gives up-to-date
      information about the workshop, at URL:
      Furthermore you may contact: 
       o  for information relating to local organization and facilities: 
          Dr. Fausto Spoto 
          Universitŕ di Verona, Dipartimento di Informatica 
          Strada Le Grazie, 15, I-37134 Verona, Italy 
          fax: +39 045 8027068, e-mail: fausto.spoto@univr.it 
       o  for information relating to submission of contributions: 
           -  Mw. Charlotte Bijron (AMiLP-3 Program Committee Secretary) 
              University of Twente, Faculty of Computer Science 
              e-mail: bijron@cs.utwente.nl 
           -  Prof. Anton Nijholt 
              University of Twente, Faculty of Computer Science 
              e-mail: anijholt@cs.utwente.nl 
           -  Dr. Giuseppe Scollo 
              Universitŕ di Verona, Dipartimento di Informatica 
              e-mail: giuseppe.scollo@univr.it