
FMCS 2003: preliminary announcement (call for abstracts and participation)

A preliminary announcement for FMCS 2003:

     FFFFFFF  M    M   CCC   SSS
     F        MM  MM  C     S   
     FFFFF    M MM M  C      SSS
     F        M    M  C         S
     F        M    M   CCC   SSS          2003 (OTTAWA)



Please note that this year's meeting on Foundational Methods 
in Computer Science (FMCS 2003) will be hosted by the Logic 
Group at the University of Ottawa, May 30th -- June 1st.

The change in venue is to allow participants to take advantage 
of the "Theoretical Computer Science Month" supported by the 
Field's institute leading up to the LICS meeting in Ottawa.

It is planned to hold next years meeting in the Kananaskis 
(Alberta) ..



The workshop is an informal meeting to bring together researchers 
in mathematics and computer science with a focus on the applications 
of category theory in computer science.  It is a three day meeting, 
which starts with a day of tutorials (Friday 30th May) aimed at 
students and newcomers to category theory, followed by a days and a 
half of research talks (Saturday, 1st June and Sunday, 2nd June).  
There will be a series of invited presentations (TBA).  The remaining 
research talks are solicited from the participants.

If you wish to give a talk please let us know by sending an abstract 
and title to Robin Cockett or Richard Blute (see e-mail address below)
before the beginning of May.

Student participation at FMCS is particularly encouraged.  There 
are limited funds to provide support for students who wish to attend 
the workshop (see below).

Support for graduate students:

We particularly encourage graduate students to attend FMCS and to 
present their work.  If you wish to give a presentation at FMCS 
you should send a title and a brief abstract to Robin Cockett 
(robin@cpsc.ucalgary.ca).  We would like to receive these abstracts 
before beginning of May so that we can arrange the schedule before 
the meeting itself.  

Some limited funding is available to support graduate students who 
wish to attend the summer school and/or FMCS.  To apply for this money,
you should contact Richard Blute (rblute@mathstat.uottawa.ca) and 
include the following information:

1) A one-page email letter stating your background as well as why you
   are interested in attending.
2) The letter should also state whether you have access to any other
   funding to attend.
3) An email letter of reference from your supervisor or an appropriate
   other person.

Preference will be given to students who wish to attend FMCS and intend 
to stay to attend the Fields Summer School.  Applications should be 
made as soon as possible before the beginning of March.


Organizer: Robin Cockett (robin@cpsc.ucalgary.ca)
Local organizer: Richard Blute (rblute@cpsc.ucalgary.ca)