Best GPCE'03 Papers Will Be Recommended for ACM TOPLAS or ACM TOSEM
To: types@cis.upenn.edu
Subject: Best GPCE'03 Papers Will Be Recommended for ACM TOPLAS or ACM TOSEM
From: Akos Ledeczi <akos.ledeczi@vanderbilt.edu>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 09:25:48 -0600
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The Organizing Committee of the 2003 International Conference on
Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'03) is proud to
announce agreements with ACM TOPLAS and ACM TOSEM to invite a
selection of best GPCE'03 conference papers for submission to a
fast-track review process in one of these journals. The paper
submission deadline for GPCE'03 is April 6, 2003. Please see
http://gpce.org/GPCE03/ for submission details. (Please note that the
submission format has been changed from ACM to LNCS style.)
The topic list of GPCE'03 includes but is not limited to the following:
* Generative Programming: Reuse, meta-programming, partial evaluation,
multi-stage and multi-level languages,
* Semantics, type systems, symbolic computation, linking and explicit
substitution, in-lining and macros, templates, program transformation
* Runtime code generation, compilation, active libraries, synthesis
from specifications, development methods, generation of non-code
artefacts, formal methods, reflection.
* Product Lines and architectures
* Industrial Applications
* Component-Based Software Engineering: Reuse, distributed platforms,
distributed systems, evolution, analysis and design patterns,
development methods, formal methods
* Integration of Generative and Component-Based Approaches
* Domain Engineering, analysis, and languages, domain-specific
* Separation of Concerns: Aspect-Oriented Programming,
Intentional Programming, and Multi-Dimensional Separation of
* Model-driven architecture