
CP'03 final CFP: new submission deadline

Please find below the final call for papers for CP'03 with REVISED

      *** APRIL 11: conference paper submissions    ***
      *** MARCH 31: workshop proposal submissions   ***
      *** APRIL 18: doctoral programme applications ***

Steven Prestwich

                      FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS

              Ninth International Conference on
       Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming

                 September 29 - October 3, 2003
                  Kinsale, County Cork, Ireland

          Conference site: http://www.cs.ucc.ie/cp2003/
     Submission page: http://softconf.com:9080/CP2003/submit.html

 NEW ******* STRICT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: April 11, 2003 ******* NEW

The CP conference is the annual international conference on constraint
programming, and  it is concerned  with all aspects of  computing with
constraints,   including:   algorithms,  applications,   environments,
languages, models and systems. CP 2003 includes a technical programme,
where presentations of theoretical  and application papers, as well as
invited  papers and  advanced tutorials,  aim at  describing  the best
results  and  techniques  in  the  state  of  the  art  of  constraint
programming.   Moreover, CP  2003 continues  the tradition  of  the CP
doctoral programme, in  which a group of Ph.D.  students present their
work, listen  to tutorials on  career and ethical issues,  and discuss
their work  with senior researchers via a  mentoring scheme.  Finally,
there will  also be a number  of workshops, where  researchers will be
able  to meet in  an informal  setting and  discuss their  most recent
ideas with their peers.


Papers  are  solicited from  any  of  the  disciplines concerned  with
constraints,   including:   artificial   intelligence,   combinatorial
algorithms,  computational logic,  concurrent  computation, databases,
discrete  mathematics, engineering,  operations  research, programming
languages, symbolic computation.

Papers may  concern any of  the domains using  constraints, including:
combinatorial  auctions,   computational  linguistics,  configuration,
decision support, design,  diagnosis, graphics, hardware verification,
molecular biology, planning,  program analysis, qualitative reasoning,
real-time  systems,  resource  allocation,  robotics,  satisfiability,
scheduling and planning, software engineering,  temporal reasoning, 
type inference, vision, visualization, user interfaces.

We  especially welcome  papers discussing  novel reasoning  and search
methods, presenting  original applications of  constraint programming,
building bridges  between constraint  programming and other  areas, or
providing fundamental  theoretical insights in  explaining the success
or failure of existing methods.

We also solicit papers reporting successful applications of constraint
technology, so as  to attract potential users and  researchers to this
technology.   In  particular, we  welcome  application  papers on  the
following topics: survey of application areas; analysis of application
requirements;  evaluation  and  comparison  of  approaches,  including
operations research vs. constraint programming, and local vs. complete
search  techniques; use  of multiple  solving  techniques, cooperative
algorithms,  and  hybrid  solvers;  software  engineering  aspects  of
constraint programming.


A  special programme  for  PhD  students will  be  held alongside  the
conference.  Students will  be able to present their  work and receive
feedback from more senior members of the community. In addition, there
will be  tutorials about research  skills and career  issues. Students
accepted for this program  will receive a free conference registration
and a partial support for  their travel expenses.  A separate call for
applications  for the  CP 2003  doctoral  programme will  be sent  out
soon. More details  about the CP 2003 doctoral  programme can be found
at the URL 


CP  2003 workshops  will provide  an informal  setting  where workshop
participants will  have the opportunity to  discuss specific technical
topics in  an atmosphere  that fosters the  active exchange  of ideas.
Workshops are  an opportunity  to disseminate work  in progress  or to
promote new  and emerging areas  within the field of  constraints. The
topics of the workshops can  cover any area related to constraints and
any related cross-disciplinary areas.  

There is a  separate call for workshop proposal,  that has been posted
on the  CP 2003 web site and  sent to all the  relevant mailing lists.
The workshop proposal submission deadline is March 31, 2003.


There is  a separate call  for tutorials, that  has ben posted  on the
CP2003 web  site, and  sent to revelant  mailing lists.   The tutorial
submission deadline is May 15, 2003.


   Important Dates:
   April 11: STRICT deadline for submissions
   June 8: notifications
   July 4: camera-ready copy

These are strict deadlines. Papers arriving later than April 11, 24:00
GMT,  will not be  reviewed. Camera-ready  copies arriving  later than
July 4th will not be included in the proceedings.

Submitted papers  must be original  and not submitted  for publication
elsewhere. All submitted papers can be up to  15 proceedings pages,
but they can be accepted as full length papers (15 pages) or as poster 
papers (5 pages).  

Paper are to be submitted electronically by following the instructions
at the URL http://softconf.com:9080/CP2003/submit.html

The proceedings  will be published  by Springer Verlag in  the Lecture
Notes                in                Computer                Science
(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html)   series.   Authors  are
requested  to   prepare  their   papers  by  following   the  Springer
instructions (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html).


The CP 2003 program committee plans to give a prize for the paper with
the best scientific contribution.


Conference Chair:                          Program Chair:
Jim Bowen                                  Francesca Rossi
University College Cork                    University of Padova
Ireland                                    Italy
Email: jabowen@cs.ucc.ie                   Email: frossi@math.unipd.it

Doctoral Program Chair:                    Workshop and tutorial chair:
Michela Milano                             Christian Bessiere
University of Bologna                      LIRMM-CNRS
Italy                                      France
Email: mmilano@deis.unibo.it               Email: bessiere@lirmm.fr

Publicity Chair:
Steven Prestwich
University College Cork
Email: s.prestwich@cs.ucc.ie 


Krzysztof Apt, CWI and Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Fahiem Bacchus, Univ. of Toronto, Canada
Frederick Benhamou, Univ. of Nantes, France
Christan Bessiere, LIRMM_CNRS, France
Alexander Bockmayr, Université Henri Poincaré, France
Jim Bowen, University College Cork, Ireland
Philippe Codognet, Univ. Paris VI, France
Rina Dechter, UC Irvine, USA
Boi Faltings, EPFL, Switzerland
Thom Fruehwirth, Univ. of Ulm, Germany
Carmen Gervet, IC-Parc, UK
Carla Gomes, Cornell Univ., USA
Manuel Hermenegildo, UPM, Spain
Holger Hoos, Univ. of British Columbia, Canada
Peter Jeavons, Univ. of Oxford, UK
Ulrich Junker, ILOG, France
Manolis Koubarakis, Technical Univ. of Crete, Greece
Francois Laburthe, Bouygues, France
Pedro Meseguer, IIIA-CSIC, Spain
Michela Milano, Univ. of Bologna, Italy 
Jean Charles Regin, ILOG, France
Francesca Rossi (chair), Univ. of Padova, Italy
Thomas Schiex, INRA Toulouse, France
Helmut Simonis, Parc Technologies, UK
Barbara Smith, Univ. of Huddersfield, UK
Peter Stuckey, Univ. of Melbourne, Australia
Michael Trick, Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA
Peter van Beek, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
Gerard Verfaillie, ONERA, France
Toby Walsh, Cork Constraint Computation Centre, Ireland
Roland Yap, National Univ. of Singapore 
Makoto Yokoo, NTT Corporation, Japan