ICLP 03 call for contributions
The deadline for paper submissions is less than four weeks from now!
(in conjunction with FSTTCS'03 and ASIAN'03)
Second Call for Contributions
Mumbai (Bombay), INDIA, 9 - 13 Dec, 2003
* Conference scope. Contributions (papers and posters)
are sought in all areas of logic programming including:
Theory (semantic foundations, formalisms, non-monotonic reasoning,
knowledge representation, inductive logic programming)
Language issues (constraints, concurrency, objects, coordination,
higher order, types, modes, programming techniques)
Implementation (compilation, memory management, virtual machines,
Environments (program analysis, program transformation, validation
and verification, debugging)
Applications (deductive databases, software engineering, natural
language, web tools, internet agents, artificial intelligence,
molecular biology)
* Papers must describe original, previously unpublished research, and
not be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. They must
be written in English and not exceed 15 pages in Springer LNCS format.
Posters provide an excellent forum for presenting late-breaking or
speculative work in an interactive and informal setting. Poster
submissions are explicitly solicited.
Submission details for papers and posters can be found on the
conference webpage.
* Publication. The proceedings of the conference will be published
by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series.
* Submission deadlines: May 12, 2003 for papers; June 28, 2003 for posters
* Programme Committee: Bart Demoen, Agostino Dovier, Mireille Ducassé,
Sandro Etalle, Moreno Falaschi, Maria García de la Banda, Andy King,
Kung-Kiu Lau, Catuscia Palamidessi (programme chair), Enrico Pontelli,
German Puebla, Mario Rodriguez Artalejo, Francesca Rossi,
Dietmar Seipel, R.K. Shyamasundar (conference chair), Zoltan Somogyi,
Hudson Turner, Kazunori Ueda, David Scott Warren