
3 positions for junior researchers/ postdocs in Computer Mathematics in Nijmegen

Our apologies if you receive multiple copies.

The foundations group of the computer science department in Nijmegen
(http://www.cs.kun.nl/fnds/) has three positions for junior researchers/
in the area of type theory and computer mathematics (combining proving,
computing and presentation in one integrated computer environment).

The candidates should have a strong background in
Mathematics, Logic and Computer Science
and should preferably have experience in one of the following areas
Type Theory
Proof theory/ Proof assistants
Computer algebra
or related subjects

The following positions are available:
1. A four year PhD-studentship. The research will be concentrated on the
creation and presentation of formal mathematical documents.
2. A two year postdoc position on combining computer algebra and proof
assistants. This research will be carried out in cooperation with the
Computer Algebra group in the Mathematics department in Nijmegen.
3. Either a PhD-studentship (four years) or postdoc position (two years) on
the theory or practice of computer mathematics and type theory.

The applicants should send an e-mail containing a CV, a motivating letter
and e-mail addresses of two researchers that can support the application
before August 17, 2003. If possible send relevant publications or,
preferably, a link to the place where they can be downloaded.  The attached
documents should be in either plain text, postscript or in PDF.

For more information please contact
Henk Barendregt (henk@cs.kun.nl)
Herman Geuvers (herman@cs.kun.nl)