Call for Papers: Continuations Workshop (CW'04)
[This may be of interest to TYPES readers due to the (classical,
linear, polymorphic, ...) typing of continuations.]
The Fourth ACM-SIGPLAN Continuations Workshop (CW'04)
Venice, Italy, 17 January 2004
co-located with POPL'04 (14--16 January 2004)
Continuations are ubiquitous in many areas of Computer Science,
ranging from classical logic to compiler construction. Recent
applications include, for instance, continuation-passing style in
typed assembly languages, structuring servlets and GUIs with
continuations, and natural language semantics.
The 4th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Continuations (CW'04) aims to provide
a forum for research on continuations and their applications. Previous
Continuation workshops were held in conjunction with POPL'97 in Paris
and with POPL'01 in London.
Participants wishing to give short formal presentations are asked to
send a short abstract (five pages or less) in PDF to
using the subject line CW'04.
Abstracts will be judged on originality, significance, correctness, and
clarity. Abstracts must describe work unpublished in refereed venues, and
must not be submitted for publication elsewhere (i.e., either a conference
or a journal).
An informal proceedings will be available at the workshop, and it is
planned to devote a special issue of the journal Higher-Order and
Symbolic Computation to selected papers, as for previous CWs.
Important Dates
Submission deadline 1 October 2003
Notification of acceptance 3 November 2003
Camera-ready copy 1 December 2003
CW'04 in Venice 17 January 2004