Job openings in Amsterdam in Programming Languages and Software Engineering
The software engineering departments at CWI (the Dutch Centre for
Mathematics and Computer Science) and at VUA (Free University
Amsterdam) have two job openings for
PhD students or Postdocs
in the NWO project "Language-Parametric Program Restructuring"
Project web site: http://www.cs.vu.nl/lppr/
While previous work on program restructuring is normally geared
towards specific languages and specific restructuring scenarios, the
present project aims at an approach that abstracts from language and
application specifics in a well-defined manner. This means that
operator suites for program restructuring can be reused for different
languages (be it for Java or Cobol or Haskell), and for different
restructuring tasks. It also means that the derivation of
restructuring tools can be further automated.
The project aims at a synergy of program transformation, formal
language definition, executable specification, interactive language
environments, and software re-engineering. The intended approach is
assumed to pay attention to challenges that are posed by the
application of transformation technology in the context of software
re-engineering. These challenges include the multitude of languages
that are subject to re-engineering, the component-based nature of
restructuring tools, correctness and reliability requirements, and
realities like incomplete or complex language semantics. These
challenges will have to be addressed with designated specification
constructs, reuse methods, formal methods, as well as generic and
generative programming concepts.
The research will be carried in the group on Interactive Software
Development and Renovation at the CWI headed by Paul Klint, and in the
group on Information Systems at the VUA headed by Chris Verhoef.
These groups pursue research in the following fields:
- Generic language technology and generic programming
- Software re- and reverse engineering
- Automated software analysis and modification
- All aspects of software asset management
- Generative programming and domain-specific languages
- Executable specifications and declarative programming
- Aspect-oriented software development
The applicants have a master's degree or PhD degree respectively in
computer science or in a related subject. The applicants are required
to have general skills in programming languages and software
engineering. It is a pro if applicants are familiar with executable
specifications as used in formal language definition, program analysis
and transformation. Experiences with framework design, generic
programming, software evolution and software maintenance are
The PhD students / Postdocs will be employed in the Dutch salary
scale, which is adopted at Dutch universities and research institutes;
the exact amounts depend on a number of factors. The following figures
for the gross salary of a PhD student are indications: EUR 1700 (first
year) -- EUR 2350 (fourth year). The scale of a PostDoc is such that
the available funding is not sufficient for 4 years but approx. for 2
1/2 years.
The deadline for application is 1 October 2003 but applications will
be considered until the positions are filled. Please send applications
to Ralf Laemmel (email: ralf@cs.vu.nl), Vrije Universiteit, Department
of Information Management and Software Engineering, Faculty of
Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1081a, NL-1081 HV
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. For further information contact Ralf
Laemmel via email or any other member of the research team. See the
project web site for further information: http://www.cs.vu.nl/lppr/