CFP JLAP: Processes and Security"
[This seems relevant for the types list in view of
the work on types for security. -RA]
Call for Papers
The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
This special issue covers current theories of security: the formal
models that provide a context for those theories and the techniques
for verifying security properties. Topics of particular interest
include cryptographic protocols and information flow.
In particular, this issue focuses on approaches that rely
on `process theoretic' concepts. It appears that security properties
can often be formalised by means of a notion of observational
equivalence. Various models have been considered based on, e.g.,
synchronous, asynchronous, probabilistic, and resource bounded
computation. A number of questions arise in these frameworks
including the relationships among the notions of security formulated
in the various models, the design of compositional equivalences, the
development of effective verification methodologies, abstraction
techniques, and automatic tools.
Manuscripts should be unpublished works and not submitted elsewhere.
Revised and enhanced versions of papers published in conference
proceedings that have not appeared in archival journals are eligible
for submission. All submissions will be reviewed according to the
usual standards of scholarship and originality. Information on JLAP
submissions can be found at http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jlap.
Submissions should be sent to the guest editor in ps or pdf format.
In addition, please send as plain text, the title, authors, abstract, and
contact information for the paper.
** The submission deadline is December 31, 2003. **
Guest Editor:
Roberto Amadio, University of Marseille, amadio@cmi.univ-mrs.fr.
This information is available on the web at:
The tentative plan is to conclude the first round of refereeing in
four months and the second final round in two more months. Accepted
papers should be published towards the end of 2004. In order to keep
the refereeing time within reasonable bounds, it is recommended that
the submitted papers do not exceed 40 pages (in a4, 11 points latex
format) including bibliography and appendix.