Fundamenta Informaticae: Special Issue on Program Transformation
To: types@cis.upenn.edu
Subject: Fundamenta Informaticae: Special Issue on Program Transformation
From: Maurizio Proietti <proietti@iasi.rm.cnr.it>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 13:11:28 +0200
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Theoretical Foundations and Basic Techniques
Guest Editors:
Alberto Pettorossi, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
Maurizio Proietti, IASI CNR, Roma, Italy
This special issue is devoted to the various aspects of program
transformation as they developed during the last decades in different
programming paradigms such as imperative, functional, and logic
languages. It gives special emphasis to the theoretical foundations and
basic techniques of program transformation such as: the various
approaches and formalisms, the correctness of the transformations, the
relationship with program analysis, program synthesis, program
specialization, partial evaluation, and theorem proving.
This issue is a companion to the special issue of Science of Computer
Programming edited by Prof. Ralf Lämmel
(see http://homepages.cwi.nl/~ralf/pt-scp/) which is more oriented
towards the applications of the program transformation methodology in
software development.
We seek high-quality contributions on program transformation.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
* transformation approaches and formalisms:
rule-based, calculation-based, schema-based;
* program transformation in different programming languages:
imperative, functional, logic, constraint-based, object-oriented,
concurrent, distributed;
* formal properties of transformations:
correctness, completeness, complexity;
* transformation strategies and techniques for program optimization:
composition, accumulation, tupling, specialization,
generalization, parallelization;
* interaction of program transformation with related methodologies
for assisting software development, such as:
program analysis, synthesis, refinement, verification,
component-based software construction, reuse,
theorem proving, meta-programming;
* languages and systems for specifying and applying program
* case studies:
derivation of non-trivial algorithms from specifications,
automated generation of software systems.
Revised and enhanced versions of papers published in conference
proceedings that have not appeared in archival journals are eligible
for submission. Surveys and papers comparing different existing
techniques are also solicited.
Deadline for paper submissions: 31 March 2004
Notification to authors: 15 June 2004
Publication of the special issue (tentative): end of 2004
The submissions should be sent in latex and ps formats to the guest
editors via email (alberto.pettorossi@uniroma2.it). For further
information about the special issue, please do not hesitate to contact
the guest editors (alberto.pettorossi@uniroma2.it,
proietti@iasi.rm.cnr.it). For details about the policy of the
Fundamenta Informaticae journal and the requirements for prospective
authors, see a recent issue of the journal or check the journal's web
site http://fi.mimuw.edu.pl/.
Authors are also requested to email a title and a five line abstract
in plain text as early as possible to alberto.pettorossi@uniroma2.it to
facilitate organization.