Mathematical Knowledge Management Symposium
Mathematical Knowledge Management Symposium
25-30 November 2003
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland
See above URL for full details.
Papers can be on any aspect of theory and practice related to
automating/formalising mathematics, to Mathematics on the web, to the
engineering of Mathematics and any other related topics. Each accepted
paper will be allocated half an hour presentation and will appear in
the informal proceedings of the symposium. As in previous symposiums
and workshops, extended versions of the accepted papers at this
symposium, will be fully refereed for consideration in a special issue
of an international journal. For this symposium, the journal in
question is the journal of Applied Logic by Elsevier.
Papers on the following non-inclusive list of topics are welcome:
theorem proving, automated reasoning, proof checking,
verification of proofs and programs.
computer mathematics, automating mathematics, checking mathematics.
languages of mathematics, computational mathematics, mathematics on
the web, formula recognition.
lambda calculus, type theory, logic, rewriting, and their applications
to mathematics.
Please submit a maximum of 10 pages A4 papers describing work in
progres or work that is completed but has not been submitted to a
conference or journal. All papers submitted to the symposium will be
reviewed. Accepted papers will appear in an informal proceedings
before the symposium. After the symposium, selected papers will be
refereed to journal standard and will appear in a special issue of the
journal of Applied Logic by Elsevier. All papers must be in latex and
all submissions must be in postscript or pdf. Accepted papers will be
required in latex at the publishing stage.
Important dates
+ 20 October 2003: submission deadline of papers.
+ 10 November 2003: notification of acceptance of the papers
for the symposium.
+ 12 November 2003: deadline for registration for participating
at the symposium.
+ 17 November 2003: revision of accepted paper for inclusion in
informal symposium proceedings.
+25-30 November 2003: Symposium on Mathematical Knowledge Management.
+15 January 2004: submission deadline of papers for the special issue
on Mathematical Knowledge Management.
Send your submissions by email to Professor Fairouz Kamareddine,
email: fairouz@macs.hw.ac.uk