ACM PODS 2004, Call for Papers
Database programming languages have been a traditional PODS topic. Even more
now, with the advent of XML, when both database theorists and programming
language researchers work on typing, type-checking, and type inference of XML
Call for Papers
Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
Maison de la Chimie, Paris, France, June 13-18, 2004
The symposium invites papers on fundamental aspects of data
management. Original research papers on the theory, design,
specification, or implementation of data management tools are
solicited. Papers emphasizing new topics or foundations of emerging
areas are especially welcome. The symposium will be held at the Maison
de la Chimie, Paris, in conjunction with the ACM SIGMOD
Intl. Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD'04).
Suggested topics include the following (this list is not exhaustive
and the order does not reflect priorities):
Access Methods & Physical Design
Active Databases
Complexity & Performance Evaluation
Data Integration & Interoperability
Data Mining
Data Models
Data Stream Management
Database Programming Languages
Databases & Information Retrieval
Databases & Workflows
Deductive Databases & Knowledge Bases
Distributed Databases
Information Processing on the Web
Logic in Databases
Multimedia Databases
Object-oriented Databases
Query Languages
Query Optimization
Real-time Databases
Security & Privacy
Semistructured Data & XML
Spatial & Temporal Databases
Theory of recovery
Transaction Management
Views & Warehousing
Web Services & Electronic Commerce
XML Databases
Important Dates:
Paper abstracts due: December 1, 2003 (11:59pm PST)
Full papers due: December 8, 2003 (11:59pm PST)
Notification of acceptance/rejection: February 23, 2004
Camera-ready due: March 22, 2004
Program Committee:
Divyakant Agrawal, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
Michael Benedikt, Bell Labs, USA
Thomas Eiter, Technische UniversitaetWien, Austria
Christos Faloutsos, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Wenfei Fan, Bell Labs, USA
Johannes Gehrke, Cornell University, USA
Martin Grohe, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Yannis E. Ioannidis, University of Athens, Greece
Sanjeev Khanna, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Yossi Matias, Tel Aviv University, Israel
S. Muthu Muthukrishnan, Rutgers University, USA
Jeff Naughton, University of Wisconsin, USA
Frank Neven, University of Limburg, Belgium
Meral Ozsoyoglu, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Lucian Popa, IBM Almaden, USA
Ken Ross, Columbia University, USA
Luc Segoufin, INRIA, France
Moshe Vardi, Rice University, USA
Gottfried Vossen, University of Muenster, Germany
Jennifer Widom, Stanford University, USA
PODS General Chair: Catriel Beeri, Hebrew University, Israel
PODS Program Chair: Dan Suciu, University of Washington, USA
PODS Proceedings Chair: Alin Deutsch, University of California at San Diego,
PODS Publicity Chair: Frank Neven, University of Limburg LUC, Belgium
Submission format and instructions:
Authors are required to submit a paper title and short abstract (about
100 words) before submitting the paper. The address, telephone number,
FAX number, and e-mail address of the contact author should appear on
the title page of the submission. Submissions should be limited to 10
pages (with font size at least 11 pts) and may consist of extended
abstracts. Each submission must provide sufficient detail to allow the
program committee to assess its merits and should include appropriate
references to and comparisons with the literature. It is recommended
that each submission begins with a succinct statement of the problem,
a summary of the main results, and a brief explanation of their
significance and relevance to the conference, all suited for the
non-specialist. Technical development of the work, directed to the
specialist, should follow. If the authors believe more details are
necessary to substantiate the main claims of the paper, they may
include a clearly marked appendix to be read at the discretion of the
committee. Only electronic submissions are accepted. Instructions for
(electronic) submissions will be posted on PODS's home page.
Best Newcomer Award: An award will be given to the best submission, as
judged by the program committee, written solely by authors who have
never published in earlier PODS proceedings.
Best Paper Award: There will also be an award for the best of all
papers submitted, as judged by the program committee.
The program committee reserves the right to give both awards to the
same paper, not to give an award, or to split an award among several
papers. Papers authored or co-authored by PC members are not eligible
for an award.