ECOOP 2004 call for contributions
ECOOP 2004
18th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
June 14-18, 2004
University of Oslo, Norway
ECOOP is the premier forum in Europe for bringing together
practitioners, researchers, and students to share their ideas
and experiences in a broad range of disciplines woven with
the common thread of object technology. It is a well integrated
collage of events, including outstanding invited speakers,
carefully refereed technical papers, real world experiences
in the form of practitioner reports, exciting panels,
topic focused workshops, late-breaking demonstrations,
and an interactive posters session.
The ECOOP 2004 conference invites high quality papers reporting
research results and/or experience related to object technology.
Research papers should describe work that advances the current
state of the art. Experience papers should be of broad interest
and should describe insights gained from practical application of
object technology - of use to other researchers and practitioners.
The program committee will evaluate each contributed research and
experience paper based on its relevance, significance, clarity,
originality, and correctness. Suggested topics related to the
object oriented paradigm include, but are not limited to:
Analysis and design methods
Concurrent, real-time, and parallel systems
Database and object persistence
Design patterns
Distributed and mobile systems
Frameworks and software architectures
Language design and implementation
Object testing and metrics
Programming environments
Reflection, aspects and adaptability
Theoretical foundations, formal methods
Versioning, compatibility, software evolution
The conference will in particular welcome novel contributions
based on new ideas or new areas for OO technology.
Submission Guidelines
Technical papers should be electronically submitted through
the ECOOP 2004 online submission system
(will be available via http://www.ifi.uio.no/ecoop2004).
Other submissions will not be accepted. For information about
formatting your paper please consult the Springer LNCS webpage
Papers must be written in English, and be not longer than
10,000 words or 25 pages in Springer LNCS format. Referees will
be allowed to ignore any material exceeding that
limit for their evaluation. Papers arriving late or clearly
longer than the limit will be rejected immediately by the
Program Chair.
Please notice that ECOOP, along with other scientific conferences,
accepts only original papers that have not been published and are
not under review for publication elsewhere. Any double submissions
will be rejected without review, and the other forum will be
informed of the situation.
Important Dates
Start of electronic submission: Nov 1, 2003
Deadline for submission: Dec 1, 2003 (12pm GMT)
Notification of acceptance: Feb 9, 2004
For information about submissions, contact:
Martin Odersky
ECOOP 2004 Program Chair
EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
CH 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 21 693 6863
Fax: +41 21 693 6660
E-mail: ecoop2004@lamp.epfl.ch
Program Committee
Uwe Assmann, Linkopings Universitet, Sweden
Don Batory, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Gilad Bracha, Sun Microsystems, USA
Luca Cardelli, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK
Charles Consel, LaBRI/INRIA, France
Giuseppe Castagna, Ecole Normale Superieure, France
Peter Dickman, University of Glasgow, UK
Sophia Drossopoulou, Imperial College, UK
Erik Ernst, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Manuel Faehndrich, Microsoft Research, USA
Giovanna Guerrini, University of Pisa, Italy
Urs Hoelzle, Google, USA
Mehdi Jazayeri, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown University, USA
Doug Lea, SUNY Oswego, USA
Mira Mezini, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
Oscar Nierstrasz, University of Bern, Switzerland
Martin Odersky, EPFL, Switzerland
Atushi Ohori, JAIST, Japan
Douglas Schmidt, Vanderbilt University, USA
Luis Rodrigues, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Clemens Szyperski, Microsoft Research, USA
Philip Wadler, University of Edinburgh, UK
ECOOP 2004 hosts a two-day tutorial program. Proposals for
high-quality tutorials in all areas of object-orientation from
academic research to industrial applications are solicited.
Tutorials are set up to last a half or full day, and should give
a deeper or more covering insight into a particular area of
object technology than a conventional lecture would do.
Tutorial levels may be introductory, intermediate, or advanced.
The main criteria for selecting tutorials will be the intrinsic
interest and timeliness of the topic.
Topics of broad interest will be preferred.
Proposals should be electronically submitted through the
ECOOP 2004 online submission system
(will be available via http://www.ifi.uio.no/ecoop2004).
Proposal submission: December 1, 2003
Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2004
For further information, contact:
Arne-Jørgen Berre, Sintef, Norway
Sintef, Pb. 124 Blindern
N-0314 Oslo, Norway
Tel.: +47 22 06 74 52
E-mail: Arne.J.Berre@sintef.no
Hanspeter Mössenböck
Institute for Practical Computer Science
Johannes Kepler Universität,
Alterbergerstrasse 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria
Tel.: +43 732 2468 7131
E-mail: moessenboeck@ssw.uni-linz.ac.at
ECOOP 2004 will host a number of workshops addressing different
areas of object-oriented technology. Workshops serve as a forum
for exchanging late breaking ideas and theories in an evolutionary stage.
They typically focus on either in depth analysis or broad-ranging
approaches to areas related to object-oriented technology.
Proposals should be electronically submitted through the
ECOOP 2004 online submission system
(will be available via http://www.ifi.uio.no/ecoop2004).
Proposal submission: December 1, 2003
Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2001
For further information, contact:
Bjarte M. Østvold
Norwegian Computing Center
Gaustadalléen 23
P.O. Box 114 Blindern,
N-0314 Oslo, Norway
Tel. +47 22 85 25 00
E-mail: bjarte@nr.no
Jacques Malenfant
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
Laboratoire d'informatique de Paris 6
8 rue du Capitaine Scott, F-75015 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 44 27 88 01
E-mail: Jacques.Malenfant@lip6.fr
Live demonstrations of all kinds of object-oriented software
will be presented at the conference. Technical members of the
implementation teams are expected to give the demonstrations.
Proposals are solicited for both commercial and in-house systems,
as well as academic and corporate research. Demonstration will be
selected on the basis of technical merit, novelty and relevance
to object-oriented technology. Product marketing and sales
presentations are inappropriate for this forum.
Posters provide authors with a unique opportunity make ongoing
work visible and to get feedback. Posters are especially useful
for presenting new ideas that have not yet been developed to
the point of a regular paper. PhD students in particular are
encouraged to submit a poster proposal describing their work.
Poster descriptions should be 2-3 pages in the same style as
paper submissions and should also have an additional cover page
(as a 'separate' first page in your document).
At ECOOP there has traditionally been an exhibition of products
and services related to object-orientation. The exhibition will
be set up next to the main conference area, where participants
have the opportunity to visit the stands, even during short breaks.
ECOOP also welcomes practitioners reports and plan to set up a separate
session of such reports from industry. Typically, a report will describe a
project using OO-technology emphasizing some interesting
experience. To many participants at ECOOP, these reports give a valuable
insight into practical applications of OO technology.
Proposals should be electronically submitted through the
ECOOP 2004 online submission system
(will be available via http://www.ifi.uio.no/ecoop2004).
Demo and Poster Deadlines:
Proposal submission: April 1, 2004
Notification of acceptance: May 1, 2004
For further information, contact:
Ole Smørdal
InterMedia, University of Oslo
Forskningsparken II
Gaustadalleen 21
N-0349 Oslo
Tel.: +47 93 08 04 73
E-mail: ole.smordal@intermedia.uio.no
ECOOP 2004 is organized by Department of informatics at
the University of Oslo in cooperation with Norwegian
Computing Center and The Foundation for Scientific and
Industrial Research (Sintef), under the auspices of AITO
(Association internationale pour les technologies objects).
The conference, tutorials and workshops will be held at
the campus of University of Oslo.
Executive Committee
Conference Chair
Birger Møller-Pedersen, University of Oslo, Norway
Program Chair
Martin Odersky, EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Organizing Chair
Arne Maus, University of Oslo, Norway