5-year Lectureship, Queen mary, Univ of London
re: 5-year Lectureship in Computer Science
Queen Mary, University of London
A five-year lectureship is available in the Department of Computer
Science, Queen Mary, University of London. This appointment is to replace
Peter O'Hearn while he holds an EPSRC advanced fellowship. Applications
are sought in any area of Computer Science, and positively encouraged in
programming languages, formal methods, and theoretical computer science.
Queen Mary has a vibrant research group in logic and semantics. The faculty
members in the area are Gianluigi Bellin, Kohei Honda, Matthew Huntbach,
Peter Landin, Pasquale Malacaria, Ursula Martin, Peter O'Hearn, Soren Riis
Edmund Robinson and Graham White. The interests of the group include program
analysis, proof theory, program logic and semantics,
dynamical systems, mechanised proof, type systems, concurrency theory, and
language design. Some current projects involve: the application of Hoare
logic to dynamical systems; the use of process calculi in certifying
compilation; the use of information theory in program analysis; and the
application of separation logic to the fundamental infrastructure code in
a computer system. In addition, we have a longstanding commitment to
basic, foundational research in program logic and semantics.
The start date of the appointment is 1 Jan 2004, or a mutually agreed
date thereafter. The salary is on the lecturer A/B scale, currently 24325 to
35813 pounds per annum.
Informal enquiries may be made in confidence to the Head of the
Department of Computer Science, Prof. Edmund Robinson
(email: E.P.Robinson@dcs.qmul.ac.uk, Tel: +44 20 7882 5209).
for more information, including how to apply. The closing date for applications
is 24 Oct, 2003.