Subject: CFP: Computer Aided Verification (CAV) 2004, Boston, MA
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16th International Conference
July 13 -- 17 , 2004, Omni Parker House Hotel, Boston, USA
Aims and Scope:
CAV'04 conference is the 16th in a series dedicated to the
advancement of the theory and practice of computer-assisted formal
analysis methods for software and hardware systems.
The conference covers the spectrum from theoretical
results to concrete applications, with an emphasis on practical
verification tools and the algorithms and techniques that are
needed for their implementation. The proceedings of the
conference will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes
in Computer Science series. Sample topics of interest include:
o Algorithms and tools for verifying models and implementations
o Deductive, compositional, and abstraction techniques for verification
o Modeling and specification formalisms
o Program analysis and software verification
o Testing and runtime analysis based on verification technology
o Applications and case studies
o Verification in industrial practice
Special Events:
CAV'04 is colocated with the International ACM Symposium on Software
Testing and Analysis, ISSTA'04.
Invited speakers for CAV'04 are David Harel (Weizmann Institute, plenary
speaker for the joint CAV-ISSTA session), Mary Jean Harrold (Georgia Institute
of Technology), and Tom Reps (University of Wisconsin).
CAV will be preceded by an invited tutorial on processor verification by
Randy Bryant (Carnegie Mellon University), David Dill (Stanford University),
and Warren Hunt (University of Texas, Austin). The conference will be
followed by special workshops.
Paper submission:
There are two categories of submissions:
A. Regular papers. Submissions, not exceeding thirteen (13) pages
using Springer's LNCS format, should contain original research, and
sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the contribution.
For papers reporting experimental results, authors are strongly
encouraged to make their data available with their submission.
Simultaneous submission to other conferences with proceedings or
submission of material that has already been published elsewhere is
not allowed.
B. Tool presentations. Submissions, not exceeding four (4) pages
using Springer's LNCS format, should describe the implemented tool
and its novel features. A demonstration is expected to accompany a
tool presentation. Papers describing tools that have already been
presented in this conference before will be accepted only if significant
and clear enhancements to the tool are reported and implemented.
Information concerning the procedure for submissions is available on the
conference home page http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/CAV
Important dates:
Paper submission (strict): January 23, 2004
Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 29, 2004
Final version due: April 30, 2004
Program Chairs:
Rajeev Alur, University of Pennsylvania
Doron A. Peled, The University of Warwick
Program Committee:
Rajeev Alur, U Pennsylvania
David Basin, ETH Zurich
Armin Biere, ETH Zurich
Randy Bryant, CMU
Dennis Dams, Bell Labs
Luca de Alfaro, UC Santa Cruz
David Dill, Stanford U
Allen Emerson, UT Austin
Kousha Etessami, U of Edinburgh
Steven German, IBM
Rob Gerth, Intel
Mike Gordon, U of Cambridge
Aarti Gupta, NEC Labs
Klaus Havelund, NASA Ames
Holger Hermanns, Saarland U
Pei-Hsin Ho, Synopsis
Alan Hu, U of British Columbia
Bengt Jonsson, Uppsala U
Andreas Kuehlman, Cadence Labs
Salvatore La Torre, U of Salerno
Oded Maler, Verimag
Pete Manolias, Georgia Tech
Ken McMillan, Cadence Labs
Anca Muscholl, U of Paris 7
Chris Myers, U of Utah
Doron Peled, U of Warwick
Fabio Somenzi, U of Colorado
Amir Pnueli, NYU
Shaz Qadeer, Microsoft Research
Jun Sawada, IBM
Frits Vaandrager, U of Nijmegen
Pierre Wolper, U of Liege
Sergio Yovine, Verimag\\[1mm]
Steering Committee:
Edmund M. Clarke, CMU
Mike Gordon, U of Cambridge
Robert P. Kurshan, Cadence
Amir Pnueli, NYU