
Preliminary CFP: GPCE'04 -- Generative Programming and Component Engineering

[----- The Types Forum, http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/types -----]

                      PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PAPERS

                   Third International Conference on
       Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'04)

                     Vancouver, October 24-28, 2004
                       co-located with OOPSLA 2004



Generative and component approaches have the potential to revolutionize
software development in a similar way as automation and components
revolutionized manufacturing. Generative Programming (developing
programs that synthesize other programs), Component Engineering (raising
the level of modularization and analysis in application design), and
Domain-Specific Languages (elevating program specifications to compact
domain-specific notations that are easier to write and maintain) are key
technologies for automating program development.

GPCE arose as a joint conference, merging the prior conference on 
Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering (GCSE) and the 
Workshop on Semantics, Applications, and Implementation of Program 
Generation (SAIG). The goal of GPCE is to provide a meeting place for
researchers and practitioners interested in cutting edge approaches to
software development. We aim to foster further cross-fertilization
between the software engineering research community on the one hand, and
the programming languages community on the other, in addition to
supporting the original research goals of both the GCSE and the SAIG
communities. We seek papers both in software engineering and in
programming languages, and especially those that bridge the gap and are
accessible to both communities at the same time.

Topics of Interest

The conference solicits submissions related (but not limited) to:

   +ACo Generative programming
      o Reuse, meta-programming, partial evaluation, multi-stage and 
        multi-level languages, step-wise refinement
      o Semantics, type systems, symbolic computation, linking and 
        explicit substitution, in-lining and macros, templates, 
        program transformation
      o Runtime code generation, compilation, active libraries, 
        synthesis from specifications, development methods, generation 
        of non-code artifacts, formal methods, reflection
   +ACo Generative techniques for
      o Product lines and architectures
      o Embedded systems
      o Model-driven architecture
   +ACo Component-based software engineering
      o Reuse, distributed platforms, distributed systems, evolution, 
        analysis and design patterns, development methods, formal
   +ACo Integration of generative and component-based approaches
   +ACo Domain engineering and domain analysis
      o Domain-specific languages (DSLs) including visual and UML-based
   +ACo Separation of concerns
      o Aspect-oriented programming, feature-oriented programming,
      o Intentional programming, and multi-dimensional separation of
   +ACo Industrial applications

Reports on applications of these techniques to real-world problems are 
especially encouraged, as are submissions that relate ideas and concepts
from several of these topics, or bridge the gap between theory and
The program committee is happy to advise on the appropriateness of a 
particular subject.

Important Dates

    +ACo Pre-submission: March 12, 2004 (title +- abstract)
    +ACo Submission: March 19, 2004
    +ACo Conference: 24-28 October 2004


General chair

    +ACo Tim Sheard (OGI School of Science +ACY Engineering at OHSU)

Program committee chairs

    +ACo Gabor Karsai (Vanderbilt University)
    +ACo Eelco Visser (Utrecht University)

Program committee

    +ACo Uwe Assmann (Linkopings Universitet)
    +ACo Don Batory (University of Texas)
    +ACo Jan Bosch (Universiteit Groningen)
    +ACo Jean Bezivin (Universit+AOk de Nantes)
    +ACo Jim Cordy (Queen's University)
    +ACo Krzysztof Czarnecki (University of Waterloo)
    +ACo Mathew Flatt (University of Utah)
    +ACo Robert Glueck (University of Copenhagen)
    +ACo George Heineman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
    +ACo Michael Leuschel (University of Southampton)
    +ACo Karl Lieberherr (Northeastern University)
    +ACo Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft Research)
    +ACo Douglas R. Smith (Kestrel Institute)
    +ACo Gabriele Taentzer (Technical University of Berlin)
    +ACo Todd Veldhuizen (Indiana University)
    +ACo Kris de Volder (University of Britisch Columbia)
    +ACo Dave Wile (Teknowledge Corp.)
    +ACo Alexander Wolf (University of Colorado at Boulder)


    +ACo gpce-chairs+AEA-cs.uu.nl