CIT 592 Course Overview (Fall 2013)

Course Objectives

The mathematics of modern computer science is built almost entirely on discrete math, in particular combinatorics and graph theory. This means that in order to learn the fundamental algorithms used by computer programmers, you will need a solid background in these subjects. CIT 592 is designed to give you a strong fundamental knowledge of these discrete math concepts.


Class Meeting Times

Tue/Thurs 1:30-3:00pm, Towne 313

Recitation on Friday 10:30 am - noon, Towne 315

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The one required textbook for this class is Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists by Stein et al.. You should also be able to find copies of this online as a pdf.

I will also be using the following reference books for some examples/homeworks etc.

  • Rosen - Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
  • Scheinerman - Mathematics, a discrete introduction

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Please use the following link to sign up for the piazza discussion for this class piazza


Note that these are only guidelines, but final course grades will likely be based on the following:

  • Midterm exam 1 (15%)
    • This will be scheduled for sometime at the end of the first month. Exact date TBD
  • Midterm exam 2 (15%)
    • This will be scheduled for sometime at the end of the second month. Exact date TBD.
  • Final exam (30%)
    • This is scheduled by the university registrar.
    • The exam will be comprehensive, but there will be more questions on the portions that have not been covered in either midterm
  • Homework assignments (40%)
    • The best way to learn math is to solve a lot of problems.
    • Expect a homework assignment every week with somewhere in the range of 5 to 7 questions. Tentatively, assignments will be handed out every Thursday and will be due at the start of next Thursday's class.


Credit for work will be recorded only as reported by the TA in the Gradebook on Blackboard. It is your responsibility to make sure that your work has been properly recorded in the Gradebook.

Make sure you notify the TA of any problems regarding missing records or incorrectly entered scores; the grade entries on the Blackboard will be considered permanent one week subsequent to their posting.

Our TAs will be responsible for adjudicating problems related to grading; the instructor will only be involved as a possible court of last appeal in case there is some truly difficult decision to make (i.e., in most cases, I will not be willing to second guess the TAs' decisions). To submit a request to the TA for a regrade of an assignment, email the TA stating the nature of the problem and the remedy you desire. You must submit this adjustment request within one week of the return of the material in question. The TAs will not consider any requests for grade adjustments that are submitted later than this one week grace period.

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Academic Integrity

Do not cheat.

Note: When in doubt always ask the instructor or TA first, to avoid any potential collabration that can lead to academic dishonesty.

You can further read Penn's Code of Academic Integrity page on this subject matter, as well as the SEAS Graduate Student guidelines on the code of ethics.

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Homework turn-in procedure

If you are typing your solutions up in latex or word, you can submit them online on blackboard. Else please turn them in at the start of class.

Submissions after the deadline are subject to a 10% per day penalty, up to seven days, after which the submission will not be accepted.

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