- C.B. Rodell, J.E. Mealy, J.A. Burdick, Supramolecular Guest-Host Interactions for the Preparation of Biomedical Materials, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 26:2279-2289, 2015.
- M.W. Tibbitt, C.B. Rodell, J.A. Burdick, K.S. Anseth, Progress in Material Design for Biomedical Applications, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 112:14444-14451, 2015.
- I.L. Kim, C.G. Pfeifer, M.B. Fisher, V. Saxena, G.R. Meloni, M. Kwon, M. Kim, D.R. Steinberg, R.L. Mauck, J.A. Burdick, Fibrous Scaffolds with Varied Fiber Chemistry and Growth Factor Delivery Promote Repair in a Porcine Cartilage Defect Model, Tissue Engineering A, 21:2680-2690, 2015.
- A.C. Gaffey, M.H. Chen, C.M. Venkataraman, A. Trubelja, C.B. Rodell, P.V. Dinh, G. Hung, J.W. MacArthur, R.V. Soopan, J.A. Burdick, P. Atluri, Injectable Shear-thinning Hydrogels to Deliver Endothelial Progenitor Cells to Enhance Cell Engraftment and Improve Ischemic Myocardium, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 150:1268-1277, 2015.
- B.M. Baker, B. Trappmann, W.Y. Wang, M.S. Sakar, I.L. Kim, V.B. Shenoy, J.A. Burdick, C.S. Chen, Cell-Mediated Fiber Recruitment Drives Extracellular Matrix Mechanosensing in Engineered Fibrillar Microenvironments, Nature Materials, 14:1262-1268, 2015.
- J.E. Mealy, C.B. Rodell, J.A. Burdick, Sustained Small Molecule Delivery from Injectable Hydrogels through Host-Guest Mediated Retention, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 3:8010-8019, 2015.
- C.B. Highley, C.B. Rodell, J.A. Burdick, Direct 3D Printing of Shear-thinning Hydrogels into Self-healing Hydrogels, Advanced Materials, 27:5075-5079, 2015.
- J.L. Holloway, H. Ma, R. Rai, K.D. Hankenson, J.A. Burdick, Synergistic Effects of SDF-1α and BMP-2 Delivery from Proteolytically Degradable Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels for Bone Repair, Macromolecular Bioscience, 15:1218-1223, 2015.
- M. Kim, S.J. Yeo, C.B. Highley, P.J. Yoo, J.A. Burdick, J. Doh, D. Lee, One-step Generation of Multi-functional Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules via Nanoscale Interfacial Complexation in Emulsion (NICE), ACS Nano, 9:8269-8278, 2015.
- S.M. Dorsey, J.R. McGarvey, H. Wang, A. Nikou, L. Arama, K.J. Koomalsingh, N. Kondo, J.H. Gorman, J.J. Pila, R.C. Gorman, J.F. Wenk, J.A. Burdick, MRI Evaluation of Injectable Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Therapy to Limit Ventricular Remodeling after Myocardial Infarction, Biomaterials, 69:65-75, 2015.
- J.R. McGarvey, D. Mojsejenko, S.M. Dorsey, A. Nikou, J.A. Burdick, J.H. Gorman, B.M. Jackson, J.J. Pilla, R.C. Gorman, J.F. Wenk, Temporal Changes in Infarct Material Properties: An In Vivo Assessment using MRI and Finite Element Simulations, Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 100:582-589, 2015.
- M. Guvendiren and J.A. Burdick, Hydrogels with Dynamically Tunable Properties, in Integrative Mechanobiology: Micro and Nano Techniques in Cell Mechanobiology (eds. Y. Sun, C. Simmons, D. Kim), Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- D. Mojsejenko, J.R. McGarvey, S.M. Dorsey, J.H. Gorman, J.A. Burdick, J.J. Pilla, R.C. Gorman, J.F. Wenk, Estimating Passive Mechanical Properties in a Myocardial Infarction using MRI and Finite Element Simulations, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 14:633-647, 2015.
- K. Ihada-Stansbury, J. Ames, S. Sanyal, N. Aiad, K.C. Kawabata, I. Levental, H.G. Sundararaghavan, K. Miyazono, J.A. Burdick, P. Janmey, R.G. Wells, P.L. Jones, The Homeobox Gene Transcription Factor Prx1 Regulates Pulmonary Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Differentiation via its Control over Matrix Properties, Pulmonary Circulation, 5:382-397, 2015.
- C.B. Rodell, R. Rai, S. Faubel, J.A. Burdick, D.E. Soranno, Local Immunotherapy via Delivery of Interleukin-10 and Transforming Growth Factor beta Antagonist for Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease, Journal of Controlled Release, 206:131-139, 2015.
- S.M. Dorsey, M. Haris, A. Singh, W.R.T. Witschey, C.B. Rodell, F. Kogan, R. Reddy, J.A. Burdick, Visualization of Injectable Hydrogels using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 1:227-237, 2015.
- C.B. Rodell, R.J. Wade, B.P. Purcell, N. Dusaj, J.A. Burdick, Selective Proteolytic Degradation of Guest-Host Assembled, Injectable Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 1:277-286, 2015.
- R.L. Mauck and J.A. Burdick, From Repair to Regeneration; Biomaterials to Reprogram the Wound Microenvironment, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 43:529-542, 2015.
- R.J. Wade, E.J. Bassin, C.B. Rodell, J.A. Burdick, Protease Degradable Electrospun Fibrous Hydrogels, Nature Communications, 6:6639, 2015.
- J.R. McGarvey, N. Kondo, W. Witschey, M. Takebe, C. Aoki, J.A. Burdick, F.G. Spinale, J.J. Pilla, J.H. Gorman, R.C. Gorman, Injectable Microsphere Gel Progressively Improves Global Ventricular Function, Regional Contractile Strain, and Mitral Regurgitation after Myocardial Infarction, Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 99:597-603, 2015.
- R.J. Wade, E.J. Bassin, W.M. Gramlich, J.A. Burdick, Nanofibrous Hydrogels with Spatially Patterned Biochemical Signals to Control Cell Behavior, Advanced Materials, 27:1356-1362, 2015.
- M.B. Fisher, N.S. Belkin, A.R. Milby, E.A. Henning, M. Bostrom, M. Kim, G. Meloni, G.R. Dodge, J.A. Burdick, T.P. Schaer, D.R. Steinberg, R.L. Mauck, Cartilage Repair and Subchondral Bone Remodeling in Response to Focal Lesions in a Mini-Pig Model: Impact of Injury Type and Treatment, Tissue Engineering A, 3:850-860, 2015.
- C.B. Rodell, J.W. MacArthur, S.M. Dorsey, R.J. Wade, L.L. Wang, Y.J. Woo, J.A. Burdick, Shear-thinning Hydrogels with Secondary Autonomous Covalent Crosslinking to Modulate Viscoelastic Properties In Vivo, Advanced Functional Materials, 25:636-644, 2015.
- R.J. Wade and J.A. Burdick, Advances in the Engineering of Nanofibrous Scaffolds for Biomedical Applications: From Electrospinning to Self-Assembly, Nano Today, 9:722-742.
- C.B. Highley, C.B. Rodell, I.L. Kim, R.J. Wade, J.A. Burdick, Ordered, Adherent Layers of Nanofibers Enabled by Supramolecular Interactions, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2:8110-8115, 2014.
- J.J. Green and J.A. Burdick, Editorial: Nanoscale Biomaterials, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2:8039-8042, 2014.
- C.B. Rodell and J.A. Burdick, Radicals Promote Magnetic Gel Assembly, Nature, 514:574-575, 2014.
- M.P. Lutolf and J.A. Burdick, Editorial: Stem Cell-Materials Interactions, Biomaterials Science, 2:545-1547, 2014.
- J.R. McGarvey, S. Pettaway, J. Shuman, C.P. Novack, K.N. Zellars, P. Freels, R.L. Echols, J.A. Burdick, J.H. Gorman, R.C. Gorman, F.G. Spinale, Targeted Injection of a Biocomposite Material Alters Macrophage and Fibroblast Phenotype and Function Following Myocardial Infarction: Relation to LV Remodeling, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 350:71-709, 2014.
- J.L. Holloway, H. Ma, R. Rai, J.A. Burdick, Modulating Hydrogel Crosslink Density and Degradation to Control Bone Morphogenetic Protein Delivery and Bone Formation, Journal of Controlled Release, 191:63-70, 2014.
- M. Guvendiren, M. Perepelyuk, R.G. Wells, J.A. Burdick, Hydrogels with Differential and Patterned Mechanics to Study Stiffness Mediated Myofibroblastic Differentiation of Hepatic Stellate Cells, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 38:198-208, 2014.
- E. Tous Kichula, H. Wang, S.M. Dorsey, S.E. Szczesny, D.M. Elliott, J.A. Burdick, J.F. Wenk, Experimental and Computational Investigation of Altered Mechanical Properties in Myocardium after Hydrogel Injection, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 7:1546-1556, 2014.
- J.E. Cohen, B.P. Purcell, J.W. MacArthur, A. Mu, Y. Shudo, J.B. Patel, C.M. Brusalis, A. Trubelja, A.S. Fairman, B.B. Edwards, G. Hung, W. Hiesinger, P. Atluri, K.B. Margulies, J.A. Burdick, Y.J. Woo, A Bioengineered Hydrogel System Enables Targeted and Sustained Intramyocardial Delivery of Neuregulin, Activating the Cardiomyocyte Cell Cycle and Enhancing Ventricular Function in a Murine Model of Ischemic Cardiomyopathy, Circulation Heart Failure, 7:619-626, 2014.
- B.P. Purcell, D. Lobb, M.B. Charati, S.M. Dorsey, R.J. Wade, K.N. Zellars, H. Doviak, S. Pettaway, C.B. Logdon, J.A. Shuman, C. Novak, J.H. Gorman, R.C. Gorman, F.G. Spinale, J.A. Burdick, Injectable and Bioresponsive Hydrogels for On-Demand Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibition, Nature Materials, 13:653-661, 2014.
- D.E. Soranno, H.D. Lu, H.M. Weber, R. Rai, J.A. Burdick, Immunotherapy with Injectable Hydrogels to Treat Obstructive Nephropathy, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A, 102: 2173-2180, 2014.
- Y.I. Shen, E. Abaci, Y. Krupsi, L.C. Weng, J.A. Burdick, S. Gerecht, Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Stiffness and Oxygen Tension Affect Cancer Cell Fate and Endothelial Sprouting, Biomaterials Science, 2:655-665, 2014.
- B.P. Purcell, I.L. Kim, V. Chuo, T. Guenin, S.M. Dorsey, J.A. Burdick, Incorporation of Sulfated Hyaluronic Acid Macromers into Degradable Hydrogel Scaffolds for Sustained Molecule Delivery, Biomaterials Science, 2:693-702, 2014.
- M.I. Dishowitz, F. Zhu, H.G. Sundararaghavan, J.L. Ifkovits, J.A. Burdick, K.D. Hankenson, Jagged1 Immobilization to a Poly(b-amino ester) Polymer Activates the Notch Signaling Pathway and Induces Osteogenesis, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A, 102:1558-1567, 2014.
- S.R. Eckhouse, B.P. Purcell, J.R. McGarvey, D. Lobb, C.B. Logdon, H. Doviak, J.W. O’Neil, J.A. Schuman, C.P. Novak, K.N. Zellars, S. Pettaway, R.A. Black, A. Khakoo, T. Lee, R. Mukherjee, J.H. Gorman, R.C. Gorman, R.A. Black, J.A. Burdick, F.G. Spinale, Local Hydrogel Release of Recombinant TIMP-3 Attenuates Adverse Left Ventricular Remodeling after Experimental Myocardial Infarction, Science Translational Medicine, 6:223ra21, 2014.
- W. Gramlich, J.L. Holloway, R. Rai, J.A. Burdick, Transdermal Gelation of Methacrylated Macromers with Near-infrared Light and Gold Nanorods, Nanotechnology, 25:014004, 2014.
- C.B. Rodell, A.L. Kaminski, J.A. Burdick, Rational Design of Network Properties in Guest-Host Assembled and Shear-Thinning Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels, Biomacromolecules, 14:4125-4134, 2013.
- W.M. Gramlich, I.L. Kim, J.A. Burdick, Synthesis and Orthogonal Photopatterning of Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels with Thiol-Norbornene Chemistry, Biomaterials, 34:9803-9811, 2013.
- J.A. Shuman, J.R. Zurcher, A.A. Sapp, J.A. Burdick, R.C. Gorman, J.H. Gorman, E.C. Goldsmith, F.G. Spinale, Localized Targeting of Biomaterials following Myocardial Infarction: A Foundation to Build on, Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine, 23:301-311, 2013.
- M. Guvendiren and J.A. Burdick, Engineering Synthetic Hydrogel Microenvironments to Instruct Stem Cells, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 24:841-846, 2013.
- J.W. MacArthur, B.P. Purcell, Y. Shudo, J.E. Cohen, A. Fairman, A. Trubelja, J. Patel, P. Hsiao, E. Yang, W. Hiesinger, P. Atluri, J.A. Burdick, Y.J. Woo, Sustained Release of Engineered Stromal Cell Derived Factor 1-alpha from Injectable Hydrogels Effectively Recruits Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Preserves Ventricular Functional Following Myocardial Infarction, Circulation, 128:S79-S86, 2013.
- H.D. Lu, D.E. Soranno, C.B. Rodell, I.L. Kim, J.A. Burdick, Secondary Photocrosslinking of Injectable Shear-Thinning Dock-and-Lock Hydrogels, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2:1028-1036, 2013.
- L. Bian, M. Guvendiren, R.L. Mauck, J.A. Burdick, Hydrogels that Mimic Developmentally Relevant Matrix and N-cadherin Interactions Enhance MSC Chondrogenesis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 110:10117-10122, 2013.
- I.L. Kim, S. Khetan, B.M. Baker, C.S. Chen, J.A. Burdick, Fibrous Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels that Direct MSC Chondrogenesis through Mechanical and Adhesive Cues, Biomaterials, 34:5571-5580, 2013.
- S. Khetan, M. Guvendiren, W.R. Legant, D.M. Cohen, C.S. Chen, J.A. Burdick, Degradation-mediated Cellular Traction Directs Stem Cell Fate in Covalently Crosslinked Three-dimensional Hydrogels, Nature Materials, 12:458-465, 2013.
- D. Hanjaya-Putra, Y.I. Shen, A. Wilson, K. Fox-Talbot, S. Khetan, J.A. Burdick, C. Steenbergen, S. Gerecht, Integration and Regression of Implanted Engineered Human Vascular Networks During Deep Wound Healing, Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2:297-306, 2013.
- J.A. Burdick, R.L. Mauck, J.H. Gorman, R.C. Gorman, Acellular Biomaterials: An Evolving Alternative to Cell-Based Therapies, Science Translational Medicine, 5:176ps4, 2013.
- H.G. Sundararaghavan, R.L. Saunders, D.A. Hammer, J.A. Burdick, Fiber Alignment Directs Cell Motility over Chemotactic Gradients, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 110:1249-1254, 2013.
- M. Guvendiren and J.A. Burdick, Stem Cell Response to Spatially and Temporally Displayed and Reversible Surface Topography, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2:155-164, 2013.
- L. Bian, C. Hou, E. Tous, R. Rai, R.L. Mauck, J.A. Burdick, The Influence of Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Crosslinking Density and Macromolecular Diffusivity on Human MSC Chondrogenesis and Hypertrophy, Biomaterials, 34:413-421, 2013.
- J.S. Katz and J.A. Burdick, Synthetic Biomaterials, in The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, 4th Edition (eds. J. Fisher, A. Mikos, Tissue Engineering Section), CRC Press, 2013.
- J.A. Burdick and W.L. Murphy, Moving from Static to Dynamic Complexity in Hydrogel Design, Nature Communications, 3:1269, 2012.
- R.J. Wade and J.A. Burdick, Engineering ECM Signals into Biomaterials, Materials Today, 15:454-459, 2012.
- J.S. Katz, K.A. Eisenbrown, E.D. Johnston, N.P. Kamat, J. Rawson, M.J. Therien, J.A. Burdick, D.A. Hammer, Soft Biodegradable Polymersomes from Caprolactone-Derived Polymers, Soft Matter, 8:10853-10862, 2012.
- B.M. Baker, R.P. Shah, A.M. Silverstein, J.L. Esterhai, J.A. Burdick, R.L. Mauck, Sacrificial Nanofibrous Composites Provide Instruction without Impediment and Enable Functional Tissue Formation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 109:14176-14181, 2012.
- S.W. Lee, K.E. Tettey, I.L. Kim, J.A. Burdick, D. Lee, Controlling the Cell-Adhesion Properties of Poly(acrylic acid)/Polyacrylamide Hydrogen-Bonded Multilayers, Macromolecules, 45:6120-6126, 2012.
- B.P. Purcell, J.A. Elser, A. Mu, K.B. Margulies, J.A. Burdick, Synergistic Effects of SDF-1a Chemokine and Hyaluronic Acid Release from Degradable Hydrogels on Directing Bone Marrow Derived Cell Homing to Myocardium, Biomaterials, 33:7849-7857, 2012.
- E. Tous, H.M. Weber, M.H. Lee, K.J. Koomalsingh, T. Shuto, N. Kondo, J.H. Gorman, D. Lee, R.C. Gorman, J.A. Burdick, Tunable Hydrogel-Microsphere Composites that Modulate Local Inflammation and Collagen Bulking, Acta Biomaterialia, 8:3218-3227, 2012.
- R.A. Marklein, D.E. Soranno, J.A. Burdick, Magnitude and Presentation of Mechanical Signals Influence Adult Stem Cell Behavior in 3-Dimensional Macroporous Hydrogels, Soft Matter, 8:8113-8120, 2012.
- D. Hanjaya-Putra, K. Wong, K. Hirotsu, S. Khetan, J.A. Burdick, S. Gerecht, Spatial Control of Cell-Mediated Degradation to Regulate Vasculogenesis and Angiogenesis in Synthetic Hydrogels, Biomaterials, 33:6123-6131, 2012.
- I.E. Erickson, S.R. Kestle, K.H. Zellars, M.J. Farrell, M. Kim, J.A. Burdick, R.L. Mauck, High Stem Cell Seeding Densities in Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels Produce Engineered Cartilage with Native Tissue Properties, Acta Biomaterialia, 3027-3034, 2012.
- M. Guvendiren and J.A. Burdick, Stiffening Hydrogels to Probe Short- and Long-Term Cellular Responses to Dynamic Mechanics, Nature Communications, 3:792, 2012.
- J.A. Burdick, Injectable Gels for Organ/Tissue Repair, Biomedical Materials, 7:024100, 2012.
- I.E. Erickson, S.R. Kestle, K.H. Zellars, G.R. Dodge, J.A. Burdick, R.L. Mauck, Improved Cartilage Repair via In Vitro Pre-Maturation of MSC Seeded Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels, Biomedical Materials, 7:024110, 2012.
- L. Bian, D.Y. Zhai, E.C. Zhang, R.L. Mauck, and J.A. Burdick, Dynamic Compressive Loading Enhances Cartilage Matrix Synthesis and Distribution and Suppresses Hypertrophy in hMSC-Laden Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels, Tissue Engineering A, 18:715-724, 2012.
- H.D. Lu, M.B. Charati, I.L. Kim, J.A. Burdick, Injectable Shear-Thinning Hydrogels Engineered with a Self-Assembling Dock-and-Lock Mechanism, Biomaterials, 33:2145-2133, 2012.
- J.A. Elser, B.P. Purcell, I.A. Allana, J.A. Burdick, K.B. Margulies, Ischemia Induces Selective Progenitor Cell Engraftment in the Isolated-Perfused Heart, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 52:105-112, 2012.
- M.H. Lee, K.C. Hribar, T. Brugarolas, N.P. Kamat, J.A. Burdick, D. Lee, Harnessing Interfacial Phenomena to Program the Release Properties of Hollow Microspheres, Advanced Functional Materials, 22:131-138, 2012.
- M. Guvendiren, H.D. Lu, and J.A. Burdick, Shear-Thinning Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications, Soft Matter, 8:260-272, 2012.
- M. Guvendiren, B. Purcell, J.A. Burdick, Photopolymerizable Systems, in Comprehensive Polymer Science (eds. R. Langer and D. Tirrell), Elsevier, 2012.
- V.V. Ramanan, K.C. Hribar, J.S. Katz, J.A. Burdick, Nanofiber-Nanorod Composites Exhibiting Light-Induced Reversible LCST Transitions, Nanotechnology, 22:494009, 2011.
- E. Tous, J.L. Ifkovits, K.J. Koomalsingh, T. Shuto, T. Soeda, N. Kondo, J.H. Gorman, R.C. Gorman, J.A. Burdick, Influence of Injectable Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Degradation Behavior on Infarction Induced Ventricular Remodeling, Biomacromolecules, 12:4127-4135, 2011.
- J.A. Burdick and F.M. Watt, High-throughput Stem Cell Niches, Nature Methods, 8:915-916, 2011.
- I.L. Kim, R.L. Mauck, J.A. Burdick, Hydrogel Design for Cartilage Tissue Engineering - A Case Study with Hyaluronic Acid, Biomaterials, 32:8771-8782, 2011.
- E. Tous, B.P. Purcell, J.L. Ifkovits, J.A. Burdick, Injectable Acellular Hydrogels for Cardiac Repair, Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research, 4:528-542, 2011.
- M. Morita, C.E. Eckert, K. Matsuzaki, M. Noma, L.P. Ryan, J.A. Burdick, B.M. Jackson, J.H. Gorman, M.S. Sacks, R. C. Gorman, Modification of Infarct Material Properties Limits Adverse Ventricular Remodeling, Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 92:617-624, 2011.
- D. Hanjaya-Pura, V. Bose, Y.I. Shen, J. Yee, S. Khetan, J.A. Burdick, S. Gerecht, Controlled Activation of Morphogenesis to Generate Functional Human Microvasculature in a Synthetic Matrix, Blood, 118:804-815, 2011.
- L. Bian, D.Y. Zhai, E. Tous, R. Rai, R.L. Mauck, J.A. Burdick, Enhanced Chondrogenesis Following Delivery of TGF-b3 from Alginate Microspheres within Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels In Vitro and In Vivo, Biomaterials, 12:2344-2350, 2011.
- H.G. Sundararaghavan and J.A. Burdick, Gradients with Depth in Electrospun Fibrous Scaffolds for Directed Cellular Behavior, Biomacromolecules, 12:2344-2350, 2011.
- K.C. Hribar, M.H. Lee, D. Lee, J.A. Burdick, Enhanced Release of Small Molecules from Near-Infrared Light Responsive Polymer-Nanorod Composites, ACS Nano, 5:2948-2956, 2011.
- J.A. Burdick and G. Prestwich, Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications, Advanced Materials, 23:H41-H56, 2011.
- L. Bian, D.Y. Zhai, R.L. Mauck, J.A. Burdick, Coculture of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Articular Chondrocytes Reduces Hypertrophy and Enhances Functional Properties of Engineered Cartilage, Tissue Engineering A, 17-1137-1145, 2011.
- H. Sundararaghavan and J.A. Burdick, Cell Encapsulation, in Comprehensive Biomaterials (eds. P. Ducheyne, D. Hutmacher, J. Kirkpatrick, K. Healy), Elsevier, 2011.
- R.C. Gorman, B.M. Jackson, J.A. Burdick and J.H. Gorman, Infarct Restraint to Limit Adverse Ventricular Remodeling, Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research, 4:73-81, 2011.
- S. Khetan and J.A. Burdick, Patterning Hydrogels in 3-Dimensions towards Controlling Cellular Interactions, Soft Matter, 7:830-838, 2011.
- J.A. Burdick and R.L. Mauck (editors), Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering Applications: A Review of the Past and Future Trends, Springer Verlag, 2011.
- D.M. Brey, N.A. Motlekar, J.P. Garino, S.L. Diamond, R.L. Mauck, J.A. Burdick, High-throughput Screening of a Small Molecule Library for Promoters and Inhibitors of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Osteogenic Differentiation, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 108:163-174, 2011.