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add(int[]) - Method in class PointQueue
Add an element to the queue.
adjustContrast(PixelPicture, double) - Static method in class AdvancedManipulations
Change the contrast of a picture.
AdvancedManipulations - Class in <Unnamed>
AdvancedManipulations() - Constructor for class AdvancedManipulations
alphaBlend(double, PixelPicture, PixelPicture) - Static method in class SimpleManipulations
Blend two pictures together by taking a weighted average of each pixel.


BLACK - Static variable in class Pixel
The Pixel representing the RGB color black.
BLUE - Static variable in class Pixel
The Pixel representing the RGB color blue.
blur(PixelPicture, int) - Static method in class AdvancedManipulations
Blur an image.
border(PixelPicture, int, Pixel) - Static method in class SimpleManipulations
Create a new image by adding a border to a specified image.


clone() - Method in class PointQueue
Get a copy of the queue.
ColorMap - Class in <Unnamed>
This is a data structure that helps keep track of the frequency with which pixels of specific colors occur.
ColorMap() - Constructor for class ColorMap
compareTo(Pixel) - Method in class Pixel
contains(Pixel) - Method in class ColorMap
Determine whether the map contains a given pixel.
contains(int[]) - Method in class PointQueue
Determines whether the queue contains a given value.
custom(PixelPicture) - Static method in class Effects


diff(PixelPicture, PixelPicture) - Static method in class PixelPicture
Compute the difference between two images.
distance(Pixel) - Method in class Pixel
Determines the level of similarity between this pixel and another by summing the absolute values of the differences between corresponding components of the two pixels.


Effects - Class in <Unnamed>
This class defines the top-level image effects found on the right-hand side of the GUI.
Effects() - Constructor for class Effects
eighteenNinety(PixelPicture) - Static method in class Effects
equals(Pixel) - Method in class Pixel
Compares the RGB values of the current Pixel with another to check if they are the same (and thus whether the two Pixels equal each other)
equals(Object) - Method in class Pixel
Checks whether this pixel has the same components as the given Object.


flood(PixelPicture, Pixel, int, int) - Static method in class AdvancedManipulations
Challenge Problem (this problem is worth 0 points): Flood pixels of the same color with a different color.


get(int) - Method in class PointQueue
Get an element from the queue.
getBitmap() - Method in class PixelPicture
Gets a bitmap (i.e., matrix of pixels) of the image.
getBlue() - Method in class Pixel
Accessor for the blue component of the pixel.
getComponents() - Method in class Pixel
Accessor for the pixel's components as an array of 3 integers, where index 0 is red, index 1 is green, and index 2 is blue.
getGreen() - Method in class Pixel
Accessor for the green component of the pixel.
getHeight() - Method in class PixelPicture
Get the height of the image.
getRed() - Method in class Pixel
Accessor for the red component of the pixel.
getSortedPixels() - Method in class ColorMap
Get an array of the pixels in the map sorted by frequency.
getValue(Pixel) - Method in class ColorMap
Retrieves the frequency with which a pixel was used.
getWidth() - Method in class PixelPicture
Get the width of the image.
grayScaleAverage(PixelPicture) - Static method in class SimpleManipulations
Transform a colored picture to its grayscale equivalent using an averaging algorithm.
grayScaleLuminosity(PixelPicture) - Static method in class SimpleManipulations
Transforms a picture to its GrayScale equivalent using the luminosity algorithm.
GREEN - Static variable in class Pixel
The Pixel representing the RGB color green.
GUI - Class in <Unnamed>
The graphical user interface for the Pennstagram project.
GUI() - Constructor for class GUI


hashCode() - Method in class Pixel


invertColors(PixelPicture) - Static method in class SimpleManipulations
Create a new image by inverting the color of each pixel.
isEmpty() - Method in class PointQueue
Determine whether the queue is empty.


main(String[]) - Static method in class GUI


peaches(PixelPicture) - Static method in class Effects
pinHole(PixelPicture) - Static method in class Effects
Pixel - Class in <Unnamed>
A point of color.
PixelPicture - Class in <Unnamed>
An image represented by a 2D array of Pixels.
PixelPicture(PixelPicture) - Constructor for class PixelPicture
Copies a NewPic.
PixelPicture(String) - Constructor for class PixelPicture
Creates a NewPic by loading the given file or URL.
PixelPicture(Pixel[][]) - Constructor for class PixelPicture
Creates a picture given a bitmap.
plastic(PixelPicture) - Static method in class Effects
PointQueue - Class in <Unnamed>
This is an implementation of a Queue in Java that uses a built-in data structure about which we haven't learned yet.
PointQueue() - Constructor for class PointQueue
print() - Method in class PixelPicture
Print all of the pixels in the image to the console.
put(Pixel, int) - Method in class ColorMap
Adds an element to the map or updates its value if the key already exists.


RED - Static variable in class Pixel
The Pixel representing the RGB color red.
reducePalette(PixelPicture, int) - Static method in class AdvancedManipulations
Reduce a picture to its most common colors.
remove(int) - Method in class PointQueue
Remove an element from the queue.
rotateCCW(PixelPicture) - Static method in class SimpleManipulations
Rotate a picture 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
rotateCW(PixelPicture) - Static method in class SimpleManipulations
Rotate a picture 90 degrees clockwise.
run() - Method in class GUI


save(String) - Method in class PixelPicture
scaleColors(PixelPicture, double, double, double) - Static method in class SimpleManipulations
Scale the color components of a picture.
SimpleManipulations - Class in <Unnamed>
SimpleManipulations() - Constructor for class SimpleManipulations
size() - Method in class ColorMap
The number of elements in the map.
size() - Method in class PointQueue
Retrieves the size of the queue.


toImageIcon() - Method in class PixelPicture
Creates an ImageIcon, suitable for display by Swing components.
toString() - Method in class Pixel
Returns a string representation of this pixel.


vignette(PixelPicture) - Static method in class SimpleManipulations
Adds dark edges to an image to draw interest to the center.


weightedAverage(double, int, int) - Static method in class SimpleManipulations
Compute the weighted average of two integers.
WHITE - Static variable in class Pixel
The Pixel representing the RGB color white.


zombie(PixelPicture) - Static method in class Effects
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