Interface ServerModelApi

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ServerModelApi
Defines a collection of methods that should be available in the ServerModel class. These methods will be used by the ServerBackend, and should therefore conform to this interface. You do not need to modify this file.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Broadcast deregisterUser​(int userId)
    Informs the model that the client with the given user ID has disconnected from the server.
    Collection<String> getChannels()
    Gets a collection of the names of all the channels that are present on the server.
    String getNickname​(int userId)
    Gets the nickname currently associated with the given user ID.
    String getOwner​(String channelName)
    Gets the nickname of the owner of the given channel.
    Collection<String> getRegisteredUsers()
    Gets a collection of the nicknames of all users who are registered with the server.
    int getUserId​(String nickname)
    Gets the user ID currently associated with the given nickname.
    Collection<String> getUsersInChannel​(String channelName)
    Gets a collection of the nicknames of all the users in a given channel.
    Broadcast registerUser​(int userId)
    Informs the model that a client has connected to the server with the given user ID.
  • Method Details

    • registerUser

      Broadcast registerUser​(int userId)
      Informs the model that a client has connected to the server with the given user ID. The model should update its state so that it can identify this user during later interactions. The newly connected user will not yet have had the chance to set a nickname, and so the model should provide a default nickname for the user. Any user who is registered with the server (without being later deregistered) should appear in the output of getRegisteredUsers().
      userId - The unique ID created by the backend to represent this user
      A Broadcast to the user with their new nickname
    • deregisterUser

      Broadcast deregisterUser​(int userId)
      Informs the model that the client with the given user ID has disconnected from the server. After a user ID is deregistered, the server backend is free to reassign this user ID to an entirely different client; as such, the model should remove all state of the user associated with the deregistered user ID. The behavior of this method if the given user ID is not registered with the model is undefined. Any user who is deregistered (without later being registered) should not appear in the output of getRegisteredUsers().
      userId - The unique ID of the user to deregister
      A Broadcast instructing clients to remove the user from all channels
    • getUserId

      int getUserId​(String nickname)
      Gets the user ID currently associated with the given nickname. The returned ID is -1 if the nickname is not currently in use.
      nickname - The nickname for which to get the associated user ID
      The user ID of the user with the argued nickname if such a user exists, otherwise -1
    • getNickname

      String getNickname​(int userId)
      Gets the nickname currently associated with the given user ID. The returned nickname is null if the user ID is not currently in use.
      userId - The user ID for which to get the associated nickname
      The nickname of the user with the argued user ID if such a user exists, otherwise null
    • getRegisteredUsers

      Collection<String> getRegisteredUsers()
      Gets a collection of the nicknames of all users who are registered with the server. Changes to the returned collection should not affect the server state. This method is provided for testing.
      The collection of registered user nicknames
    • getChannels

      Collection<String> getChannels()
      Gets a collection of the names of all the channels that are present on the server. Changes to the returned collection should not affect the server state. This method is provided for testing.
      The collection of channel names
    • getUsersInChannel

      Collection<String> getUsersInChannel​(String channelName)
      Gets a collection of the nicknames of all the users in a given channel. The collection is empty if no channel with the given name exists. Modifications to the returned collection should not affect the server state. This method is provided for testing.
      channelName - The channel for which to get member nicknames
      The collection of user nicknames in the argued channel
    • getOwner

      String getOwner​(String channelName)
      Gets the nickname of the owner of the given channel. The result is null if no channel with the given name exists. This method is provided for testing.
      channelName - The channel for which to get the owner nickname
      The nickname of the channel owner if such a channel exists, othewrise null