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addUserToChannel(String, String) - Method in class ServerModel


Broadcast - Class in <Unnamed>
A Broadcast stores a mapping from users to a list of responses.


changeNickname(NicknameCommand) - Method in class ServerModel
Response by the server when a client attempts to create a channel whose name is already used by another channel on the server.
Command - Class in <Unnamed>
Represents a command string sent from a client to the server, after it has been parsed into a more convenient form.
CommandParser - Class in <Unnamed>
connected(String) - Static method in class Broadcast
Creates a Broadcast for the case when a user first connects to the server and should be informed of their new nickname
createChannel(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ServerModel


deregisterUser(int) - Method in class ServerModel
Informs the model that the client with the given user ID has disconnected from the server.
deregisterUser(int) - Method in interface ServerModelApi
Informs the model that the client with the given user ID has disconnected from the server.
disconnected(String, Collection<String>) - Static method in class Broadcast
Creates a Broadcast for the case when a user disconnects from the server and other clients should be informed of this fact.


equals(Object) - Method in class Broadcast
equals(Object) - Method in class Command
Returns true if two Commands are equal; that is, they produce the same string representation.
error(Command, ServerError) - Static method in class Broadcast
Creates a Broadcast for the case where a client's Command is invalid, and the client should be informed.


getChannels() - Method in class ServerModel
Gets a collection of the names of all the channels that are present on the server.
getChannels() - Method in interface ServerModelApi
Gets a collection of the names of all the channels that are present on the server.
getCode() - Method in enum ServerError
getNickname(int) - Method in class ServerModel
Gets the nickname currently associated with the given user ID.
getNickname(int) - Method in interface ServerModelApi
Gets the nickname currently associated with the given user ID.
getOwner(String) - Method in class ServerModel
Gets the nickname of the owner of the given channel.
getOwner(String) - Method in interface ServerModelApi
Gets the nickname of the owner of the given channel.
getRegisteredUsers() - Method in class ServerModel
Gets a collection of the nicknames of all users who are registered with the server.
getRegisteredUsers() - Method in interface ServerModelApi
Gets a collection of the nicknames of all users who are registered with the server.
getResponses(ServerModelApi) - Method in class Broadcast
You should not call this method yourself.
getSender() - Method in class Command
Gets the nickname of the client who issued the Command.
getSenderId() - Method in class Command
Gets the user ID of the client who issued the Command.
getUserId(String) - Method in class ServerModel
Gets the user ID currently associated with the given nickname.
getUserId(String) - Method in interface ServerModelApi
Gets the user ID currently associated with the given nickname.
getUsersInChannel(String) - Method in class ServerModel
Gets a collection of the nicknames of all the users in a given channel.
getUsersInChannel(String) - Method in interface ServerModelApi
Gets a collection of the nicknames of all the users in a given channel.


hashCode() - Method in class Broadcast


INVALID_NAME - ServerError
Response by the server when a user tries to change his/her nickname to an invalid string.
Response by the server when a client attempts to issue an invite to a channel that is not invite-only.
isPublicChannel(String) - Method in class ServerModel
isValidName(String) - Static method in class ServerModel
Determines if a given nickname is valid or invalid (contains at least one alphanumeric character, and no non-alphanumeric characters).


Response by the server when a client attempts to join a channel to which he or she has not been invited.


main(String[]) - Static method in class ServerMain
Initializes and starts a ServerBackend, a ServerModel, and a very basic UI to indicate that the server is running.


Response by the server when a client attempts to change his or her nick to a nickname that is already in use by another user.
names(Command, Collection<String>, String) - Static method in class Broadcast
A specialized method for creating a Broadcast in the event that a user is added to a channel as the result of a JoinCommand or InviteCommand.
Response by the server when the channel specified in a command is not recognized by the server.
NO_SUCH_USER - ServerError
Response by the server when the target specified in the command is not registered on the server.


okay(Command, Collection<String>) - Static method in class Broadcast
Creates a Broadcast for the general case where a client's Command is accepted by the server and should be relayed to the appropriate clients.
OKAY - ServerError
Response indicating no error has occurred.


parse(int, String, String) - Static method in class CommandParser
Parses a string command received from a client into its component parts, and creates a Command object representing it.


registerUser(int) - Method in class ServerModel
Informs the model that a client has connected to the server with the given user ID.
registerUser(int) - Method in interface ServerModelApi
Informs the model that a client has connected to the server with the given user ID.
removeUserFromChannel(String, String) - Method in class ServerModel


ServerError - Enum in <Unnamed>
ServerError is an enumerated type that lists all possible response codes a server can send to a client.
ServerMain - Class in <Unnamed>
ServerModel - Class in <Unnamed>
The ServerModel is the class responsible for tracking the state of the server, including its current users and the channels they are in.
ServerModel() - Constructor for class ServerModel
Constructs a ServerModel and initializes any collections needed for modeling the server state.
ServerModelApi - Interface in <Unnamed>
Defines a collection of methods that should be available in the ServerModel class.


toString() - Method in class Broadcast


updateServerModel(ServerModel) - Method in class Command
Processes the command and updates the server model accordingly.
Response by the server when a client attempts to send a command requiring the sender to be in the specified channel to a channel in which he or she is not a member.
USER_NOT_OWNER - ServerError
Response by the server when a client which does not own a channel attempts to send a command that is restricted to the owner; currently, the only such command is KICK.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ServerError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ServerError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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