
There will be approximately weekly homework assignments, which will ask you to practice and extend your knowledge from lecture.


My goal is for each homework to take approximately two to three hours. If homeworks are taking longer than expected, please feel encouraged to reach out.


You can use up to five late days over the course of the semester, with up to two late days being used on a single assignment. Late days are atomic: e.g., being 1 hour late = being 23 hours late.


Please complete the assignments individually. You are encouraged to discuss the lecture material and general language concepts with other students, and you may also discuss high-level ideas about the homework, but you should not share or copy code.

Please use your best judgment when using the internet for help: if an exercise asks you to do X, you should not search "how to do X." But you may look up general purpose information about Haskell. When in doubt, it may be best to instead come to office hours.

Please do not use generative AI tools such as Copilot or ChatGPT.


Classes will consist of lecture and active learning components such as polls and in-class exercises.


There will be a reading associated with each class. You may choose to read before or after class.


You may receive credit for one missed class by doing the following: (1) watch the recording, (2) complete the in-class exercises, and (3) send your solutions to me before the next class.


The tentative breakdown is 90% homework, 10% class participation.


If extenuating circumstances prevent you from attending classes or completing homeworks, please email me so that we can arrange for additional exemptions or extensions as appropriate.


Masks are required for all class activities, including lectures and office hours. Please do not come to class if you are sick or worried that you might be. Just email me and we'll work something out!