
If you expect to need academic accommodations in this class, please let me know as early as possible! The sooner I know what accommodations you need, the easier they are to arrange.


There will be roughly one homework per week, based on that week's lecture.


My goal is for each homework to take approximately two to three hours. If homeworks are taking longer than expected, please make use of office hours.


You can use up to 3 late days over the course of the semester. Late days are discrete, i.e., there is no difference between 1 hour late and 23 hours late, and they will be counted automatically (you do not need to email to say you are using one). If you find you need more than 3, please email me! Again, the sooner I know, the easier it is to find a solution.


Please complete the assignments individually. You are encouraged to discuss the lecture material and general language concepts with other students, and you may also discuss high-level ideas about the homework, but you should not view, edit, or copy other students' code.

You may use Hoogle as much as you like, but do not search how to do a problem online, and do not use generative AI tools such as Copilot or ChatGPT.


Homeworks will be distributed via GitHub and should be submitted via Gradescope.


Classes will consist of lecture and active learning components such as polls and in-class exercises. Some classes will also have an associated reading.


The tentative breakdown is 90% homework, 10% class participation.


Attendance is required. However, please do not come to class if you think you might have COVID-19 or another contagious illness. If you are sick or have other extenuating circumstances, just email me as soon as you know you cannot make it to class.