- Tuesday/Thursday 1:45-3:15pm
- Moore 216
- email: cis5000 AT seas.upenn.edu
- Instructor
Steve Zdancewic
stevez AT cis.upenn.edu
Office hours: Monday 4:00 - 5:00pm (and by appointment)
Location: Levine 511 - Teaching Assistants
Jessica Shi
Office hours: Tuesday 10:00am - noon
Location: Zoom (see Ed) -
Adam Stein
Office hours: Thursday 5:00 - 7:00pm
Location: Zoom (see Ed) -
Joey Velez-Ginorio
Office hours: Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00am / Friday 10:00 - 11:00am
Location: Zoom (see Ed)
Covid Policy
Students attending lecture are REQUIRED to wear masks.
At least for the start of the semester, it seems prudent to take covid precautions. This policy may be revisited once the semester is underway and more data is available.
Lecture participation is strongly encouraged. However, if you cannot or choose not to attend lecture:
- lectures will be recorded and made available online
- the bulk of the course is available as a literate source-code textook that is suitable for self study
Course Infrastructure
- Ed Discussion
- We will use Ed for both announcements and discussions. Please register yourself there to make sure you keep up with what's happening.
- Poll Everywhere
- To make lectures more interactive, we will be using Poll Everywhere platform. There is no charge to students for using this platform.
- Gradescope
- We use Gradescope for homework submissions.
- Canvas
- The Canvas site is active, but this course uses it only as a means of tracking enrollment, to host links to the resources above, and to organize the lecture recordings.
NOTE: If you are taking the course but cannot access the above resources, please contact a CIS 5000 staff member.
Class Schedule
NOTE: The following links provide HTML and Coq .v files for the lecture material in the course. These materials will be updated throughout the semester, so please be sure that you use the most recent version of the files, especially for homework. The schedule is tentative.
Full Code Source You can download the whole Coq development in one go using these links: Logical Foundations: lf.tgz Programming Language Foundations: plf.tgz This is a good way to create the initial folder for your CIS 5000 projects, but, as mentioned above, please be sure to get the latest .v files for each HW.