
CIS 419/519 Course Reading Packet

This is a collection of readings that will be used throughout the course. There is NOT a single reading packet you need to obtain -- readings will be distributed incrementally throughout the semester, either in hard-copy or posted online throughout the course.

Learning From Data by Y. S. Abu-Mostafa, M. Magdon-Ismail, and H.T. Lin.
AML Book

EMAB Tutoring

Engineering Master’s Advisory Board (EMAB) has announced Tutoring Program for master’s students in Machine Learning. This program will serve as a resource to help students strengthen their skills in the area. Students can drop in at one of our sessions whenever they need help - no commitment required and free of charge. If a student is interested in this program, they are encouraged to learn about our program at https://pennemab.weebly.com/tutoring.html or join their Piazza group at http://www.piazza.com/upenn/spring2018/emab101

Probability Resources

Linear Algebra Resources

Python Resources

Throughout the course, you may find it useful to consult the following resources:

For a more advanced treatment of machine learning topics, I would recommend one of the following books:

Some useful articles
