State Monad and Applicative Parsing
This homework provides practice with the state monad and applicative parsing combinators by developing and implementing a small, imperative programming language.
This project will require you to first read about the Lu programming language in the module LuSyntax and then work in two separate modules.
You can mostly work on the two modules in either order, but you'll need to complete
the parser before finishing the stepper
function at the very end of LuStepper
Throughout the assignment, feel free to import modules from the base or containers packages.
Once you have implemented the first two parts of the assignment, you can put them together in a "stepper" for the Lu language. This interactive program lets us observe the computation piece-by-piece.
You can get it started with stack ghci
and then call the stepper
to start the interactive loop.
For example, here's an interaction with the factorial function.... Each line beginning
with Lu>
is a prompt for the tool, allowing the user to type commands such as
(load a file for stepping), :n
(step to next statement),
(step to previous statement), or evaluate an expression in the current store.
Both :n
and :p
take an optional argument for the number of steps.
Lines beginning with -->
show the current step of the computation (before it
has been executed).
ghci> stepper
Lu> :l lu/ -- load a file
Loaded lu/, initializing stepper
--> n = 5 -- ready to execute first assignment> :n
--> f = 1 -- "next" ready to executed second assignment> :n
--> while n > 0 do -- now ready for the while loop
x = n
z = f
while x > 1 do
f = z + f
x = x - 1
n = n - 1
end> :n -- inside the while loop
--> x = n> f -- look up the value of a variable (f)
--> x = n> n -- look up another variable (n)
--> x = n> x -- we haven't yet assigned to x
--> x = n> :p -- we can go backwards!
--> while n > 0 do
x = n
z = f
while (x > 1) do
f = z + f
x = x - 1
n = n - 1
end> :p -- another backwards step
--> f = 1> f -- now the variable is undefined
--> f = 1
You can also run all of the tests in the assignment using the stack run