Junior Undergraduate Students:
The constitution intends that all chapters invite the top quarter of the Junior class into membership.
Senior Undergraduate Students:
The constitution intends that all chapters invite the top third of the Senior class into membership. This will
include additional members who were not invited as juniors, as well as those who were invited as juniors but
did not accept membership at that time.
All faculty of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department with the rank of Assistant Professor or
higher should be considered for HKN membership. Their position automatically qualifies them for membership,
and your chapter will be stronger if all ECE faculty are HKN members.
Electrical and computer engineers who have a distinguished record in industry, government, education, or
management may be initiated by your chapter. They need not be graduates of your school, nor is it necessary
for you to inquire into their academic records. Approval of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
head and the faculty advisor are needed.
In addition to having the required scholastic rank, members of Eta Kappa Nu
• Possess an unimpeachable character
• Are able to make use of the knowledge and information acquired
• Have the capacity and willingness for hard work
• Work in harmony with all types of people
• Have a genial nature