7.3. Homework Submission

Your writeup should follow the writeup guidelines. Your writeup should include your answers to the questions below. Even if a certain is just a “step”, please include it in your report and leave the bullet blank for the sake of easy grading.

  1. Accelerating the Differentiate

    1. Create a new Vitis HLS project and add the provided source files. Use a clock xczu3eg-sbva484-1-e in the device selection. Use a 10 ns clock, and select the Vitis Kernel Flow Target for the Flow Target. Write a testbench that invokes the hardware implementation that you will write later, Differentiate_HW. You can use the testbench from HW5 as a reference. The testbench should compare the result of Differentiate_SW and Differentiate_HW and exits your program with a value of 1 if the output is not correct. Verify that your test function works. Include the testbench in your report.

    2. How many times does Differentiate_SW load each pixel on average(ignoring the edge)? (1 line)

    3. Can we use streaming in Differentiate_SW to handle arbitrary large frames? Assume that we do not change the code except for adding pragmas and changing the dimensions of the data. Motivate your answer. (1 line)

    4. We could store pixels that are used multiple times in a buffer that is mapped to a local memory. Assuming we still produce the output pixels in the same order, what is the smallest buffer that we can use? Motivate your answer. (3 lines)

    5. In some iterations, we must write a value to the local memory and read multiple values. An array is typically mapped on a BRAM, which has only two ports. Consequently, we need more bandwidth than the BRAM offers. Give two ways in which we could resolve this issue. (4 lines)

    6. Implement the function Differentiate_HW that exploits data reuse. It loads the input pixels only once and sequentially. Verify your code using your test function. Include the Differentiate_HW function in your report.

    7. Pipeline the loop body of your implementation with an II of 1. What is the latency(in cycles) that Vitis HLS predicts?

    8. On a microprocessor, branches are generally undesirable because they introduce delays when they are predicted wrong. Why is this not a problem in an accelerator?

  2. Accelerating the Filter

    1. Does Filter_horizontal offer any opportunities for data reuse? Motivate your answer. (3 lines)

    2. What is the optimal order for traversing the input data (column-wise or row-wise)? Assume that the input and output are stored in a BRAM. Motivate your answer. (3 lines)

    3. Create a function Filter_horizontal_HW that is a version of Filter_horizontal_SW that you modified based on the insights from the previous two questions. You don’t have to use the streams at this point. Include the code in your report.

    4. Pipeline the loop body of Filter_horizontal_HW. Write a testbench to verify Filter_horizontal_HW. What is the latency that Vitis HLS predicts? (1 line)


      Make sure you’ve selected the correct top function for the synthesis. Also check that you are not forcing another function as the top function in your constraints file.


      Remember that malloc() is not synthesizable. You can have user-defined macro to seperate simulation code and synthesis code as shown in HLS user guide.

    5. Let’s continue with accelerating Filter_vertical_HW. We could store pixels that are used multiple times in a buffer that is mapped to a local memory. Assuming we still produce the output pixels in the same order, what is the smallest buffer that we can use? Motivate your answer. (3 lines)

    6. What is the optimal order for traversing the input data (column-wise or row-wise) with respect to FPGA on-chip memory usage? Assume that the input and output data are stored in a BRAM. Motivate your answer. (3 lines)


      We are not worrying about streaming, yet – just think about on-chip BRAM usage and minimization.

    7. Create a function Filter_vertical_HW that is a version of Filter_vertical_SW that you modified based on the insights from the previous two questions. You don’t have to use the streams yet. Include the code in your report.


      Remember (from HW 1) what can go wrong when you write outside of the bounds of an array. Take care to make sure your array references are all in bounds.

    8. Pipeline the loop body of Filter_vertical_HW. Verify your code using the test function that you wrote. What is the latency that Vitis HLS predicts? (1 line)

    9. Write a verification function for Filter_HW, similar to the one in question 1a. Verify that your test function works. Include the function in your report.

    10. Create a function Filter_HW that connects both parts of the filter together. Store the intermediate results in a local array. Include Filter_HW in your report. Use the default data movers.

    11. What is the expected latency of Filter_HW? (1 line)

    12. We could replace the local array in Filter_HW with a stream. Assume that the stream requires no resources for buffering. What impact do you expect that will have on the resource consumption? Quantify your answer. (3 lines)

    13. Replace the local array with an hls::stream object and insert a dataflow pragma into Filter_HW. The hls::stream class is declared in hls_stream.h. Modify the remaining functions as necessary.

      Include Filter_HW and any other significant changes in your report.


      We are concerned with streaming now, and that could merit a reconsideration of how we travese the data.

    14. What is the latency of Filter_HW that Vitis HLS predicts? Make sure you verify your code. (1 line)

7.3.1. Deliverables

In summary, upload the following in their respective links in canvas:

  • writeup in pdf.