Open the inv_test file from the test library. In the schematic of inv_test, left click Editing:Tools -> Analog Environment. The spectre window should appear.
We want to specify the type of analysis we want to perform. We are going to select a DC analysis. Left click Analog Artist:Analyses->Choose?
If the list of analyses you see does not match the figure below, make sure you have Spectre selected as the simulator. You can verify this by clicking Setup->Simulator/Directory/Host and making sure the simulator listed as the first item is "spectre".
Click on the dc button for Analysis. Click Component Parameter button for sweep variable. In the Sweep Range, fill 0 and 5V for the start and stop. Left click on the Select Component. Now go back to the schematic and select the voltage source you want to sweep. Click on the vdc that is connected to the input of the inverter. This will pop-up a small window, which requests the Parameter Name. Click on dc to sweep the voltage. Go back to your Analysis Choose window, which should look like the one below, and click on OK.
Second, we want to select which output voltages to be plotted. Left click on Analog Artist: Outputs->To be Plotted->Select on Schematic. Click on the wire between your vdc source and the in pin of your inverter. Then click on the wire between the out pin of the inverter and the out pin. Both wires should change color indicating that these voltages will be plotted.
Note: If you want to select a current to be plotted, then click on the square of a symbol where the current is flowing through. There will be a circle around the square node indicating that a current is selected.
Your Analog Environment window should appear similar to:
Note: in order to make your simulation more readable, it is often advisable to name special nets with uniquely identifiable names, so that when the simulation results are presented, they are more easily understood.
The final step before running the simulation is to add the model files. To do this, left click Setup->Model Libraries ... This brings up the Model Library Setup dialog. Then, type the path " ~ese570/cadence/local/models/spectre/nom/ami06.scs" into the text field indicating "Model Library File", and left click the Add key. You should now see the model file path shown in the Model Library File list. You can now close this window by left-clicking OK.
You are ready to run the simulation. Left Click Simulation->Run or click on the green traffic light icon in the Analog Environment window. The result window, as the one below will appear shortly. Explore the pull down menus in this window in order to customize your results. For instance, left click Axes->Strip in order to separate the different curves.
To plot the results left click Waveform Window: Window->hardcopy. Select the option to Send Plot Only to File and also don't forget to disable the header option in order not to waste paper. You might also disable Mail Log To to prevent it from mailing you about the status of printing.
Now exit the Cadence simulation environment. Left click on Analog Environment:Session->Quit.
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