Benoit Valiron, Neil J. Ross, Peter Selinger, D. Scott Alexander, and Jonathan M. Smith,
Programming the Quantum Future, Communications of the ACM 58(8), pp. 52-61 (August 2015).
N. Vasilakis, B. Karel, and J. M. Smith, From Lone Dwarfs to Giant Superclusters: Rethinking Operating System Abstractions for the Cloud, in 15th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems
(HotOS XV), Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland (May 18-20, 2015).
Udit Dhawan, Catalin Hritcu, Raphael Rubin, Nikos Vasilakis, Silviu Chiricescu, Jonathan
M. Smith, Tom F. Knight, Benjamin C. Pierce, and Andre DeHon, Architectural Support
for Software-Defined Metadata Processing, in Proc. ASPLOS, Istanbul (March 2015),
pp. 487-502.
Matthew D. Hicks, Cynthia Sturton, Samuel T. King, and Jonathan M. Smith,
SPECS: A Lightweight Runtime Mechanism for Protecting Software from
Security-Critical Processor Bugs, in ASPLOS (2015), pp. 517-529.
Albert Kwon, Kaiyu Zhang, Perk Lun Lim, Yuchen Pan, Jonathan M. Smith, and Andre
DeHon, ROTORouter:
Router Support for Endpoint-Authorized Decentralized Traffic Filtering
to Prevent DoS Attacks, in IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable
Technology, Shanghai, China (Dec. 10-12, 2014), pp. 183-190.
Sandy Clark, Michael Collis, Matt Blaze, and Jonathan M.
Smith, Moving Targets: An
Empirical Study of the Security Properties of Rapid-Release Cycles, in ACM Conference
on Computer and Communications Security, Tucson, AZ (November 2014), pp. 1256-1266.
Tom Anderson, Ken Birman, Robert Broberg, Matthew Caesar, Douglas Comer, Chase Cotton,
Michael J. Freedman, Andreas Haeberlen, Zachary G. Ives, Arvind Krishnamurthy,
William Lehr, Boon Thau Loo, David Mazieres, Antonio Nicolosi, Jonathan M. Smith, Ion
Stoica, Robbert van Renesse, Michael Walfish, Hakim Weatherspoon, Christopher S. Yoo,
and ACM Computer Communications Review, A Brief Overview of the NEBULA Future
Internet Architecture, July 2014.
Richard J. Solomon, Melitte Buchman, Clark Johnson, Eric Rosenthal, and Jonathan M.
Smith, Write Once, Read Forever (WORF): Low-energy storage in perpetuity of high-density, multi-state data, in Proc. Archiving Conference, Society for Imaging Science and
Technology, Berlin (May 13-16, 2014).
Jonathan M. Smith, Julien Ross, Peter Selinger, and Benoit
Valiron, Quipper: Concrete
Resource Estimation in Quantum Algorithms, in Twelfth Workshop on Quantitative
Aspects of Programming Languages and Systems (QAPL), Grenoble, FR (April 12-13,
2014). Poster Presentation
Udit Dhawan, Nikos Vasilakis, Raphael Rubin, Silviu Chiricescu, Jonathan M. Smith,
Thomas F. Knight, Benjamin C. Pierce, and Andre
DeHon, PUMP -- A Programmable
Unit for Metadata Processing, in Proc. HASP (2014).
Paul F. McManamon, Walter F. Buell, Melissa G. Choi, John W. Devitt, Elsa Garmire, Gary
W. Kamerman, Kenneth A. Kress, Jeanette Lurier, Pradip Mitra, Peter F. Moulton, Jonathan
M. Smith, Abbie Watnik, and Eli
Yablonovitch, Laser Radar:
Progress and Opportunities
in Active Electro-Optical Sensing, The National Academies Press, Washington, DC (2014).
Adam J. Aviv, Matt Blaze, Micah Sherr, and Jonathan M. Smith, Privacy-aware Message
Exchanges for HumaNets, Computer Communications, Elsevier, in press (2014).
Gregory T. Sullivan, Silviu Chiricescu, Andre DeHon, Delphine Demange, Suraj Iyer,
Alexsey Kliger, Greg Morrisett, Benjamin C. Pierce, Howard Rubenstein, Jonathan M.
Smith, Arun Thomas, Jesse Tov, Christoper M. White, and David Wittenberg, SAFE: A
Clean-Slate Architecture for Secure Systems, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on
Technologies for Homeland Security (November 2013), pp. 570-576.
John Sonchack, Adam J. Aviv, and Jonathan M. Smith, Bridging the Data Gap: Data
Related Challenges in Evaluating Large Scale Collaborative Security Systems, in Proc.
USENIX Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET) (August 2013).
Tom Anderson, Ken Birman, Robert Broberg, Matthew Caesar, Douglas Comer, Chase Cotton,
Michael J. Freedman, Andreas Haeberlen, Zachary G. Ives, Arvind Krishnamurthy,
William Lehr, Boon Thau Loo, David Mazieres, Antonio Nicolosi, Jonathan M. Smith, Ion
Stoica, Robbert van Renesse, Michael Walfish, Hakim Weatherspoon, and Christopher S.
Yoo, The NEBULA Future Internet Architecture, in Future Internet Assembly 2013, ed.
Alex Galis and Anastasius Gavras, Springer-Verlag (May 8th, 2013).
Albert Kwon, Udit Dhawan, Jonathan Smith, Thomas Knight, and Andre DeHon, Low-Fat
Pointers: Compact Encoding and Efficient Gate-Level Implementation of Fat Pointers for
Spatial Safety and Capability-Based Security, in Proc. ACM CCS (2013).
Yan Grunenberger and Jonathan M. Smith, Observations from the 2012 Mobile World
Congress in Barcelona, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review 43(1),
pp. 43-45 (January 2013).
Adam J. Aviv, Benjamin Sapp, Matthew Blaze, and Jonathan M. Smith, Practicality of
Accelerometer Side-Channels on Smartphones, in Proceedings, ACM Annual Computer
Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), Orlando, FL (December 3-7, 2012), pp. 41-50.
Udit Dhawan, Albert Kwon, Edin Kadric, Catalin Hritcu, Benjamin C. Pierce, Jonathan M.
Smith, Andre DeHon, Gregory Malecha, Greg Morrisett, Thomas F. Knight, Jr., Andrew
Sutherland, Tom Hawkins, Amanda Zyxnfryx, David Wittenberg, Peter Trei, Sumit Ray,
and Greg Sullivan, Hardware Support for Safety Interlocks and Introspection, in Proc.
Workshop on Adaptive Host and Network Security at 6th International Conference on Self-
Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, Lyon, FR (September 14th, 2012).
Adam J. Aviv, Micah Sherr, Matt Blaze, and Jonathan M. Smith, Privacy-Aware Message
Exchanges for Geographically Routed Human Movement Networks, in Proc. European
Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), Pisa, IT (September 10-14,
2012), pp. 181-198.
S. Clark, C. Wacek, M. Blaze, B. Loo, M. Sherr, C. Shields, and J. Smith, Collaborative
Red Teaming for Anonymity System Evaluation, in Proc. USENIX Workshop on Cyber
Security Experimentation and Test (CSET) (August 2012).
S. Clark, M. Blaze, and J. Smith, The Casino and the OODA Loop: Why our protocols
always fail, in Security Protocols XX, ed. Bruce Christianson, James Malcolm, Frank Stajano,
and Jonathan Anderson, Springer (2012), pp. 60-63. (Roger Needham Award)
Brian A. Arnold, Lawrence J. Delaney, Collin A. Agee, Melani Austin, Thomas J. Burns,
Pamela A. Drew, Rand Fisher, Keith R. Hall, Leslie F. Kenne, Robert H. Latiff, Terry P.
Lewis, Michael A. Longoria, Paul McManamon, Matt Mleviza, Gerald F. Perryman, Jr., and
Jonathan M. Smith, Examination of the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
(ISR) Capability and Planning and Analysis Process, The National Academies Press,
Washington, DC (2012).
Yun Mao, Boon Thau Loo, Zachary Ives, and Jonathan M. Smith, MOSAIC: Unified
Declarative Platform for Dynamic Overlay Composition (Extended Version), Computer
Networks 56(1), pp. 64-84 (2012).
Matvey Arye, Robert Kiefer, Kyle Super, Erik Nordstrom, Michael J. Freedman, Eric
Keller, Tom Rondeau, and Jonathan M. Smith, Increasing network resilience through edge
diversity in NEBULA, ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications
Review 16(3), pp. 14-20 (July 2012).
2011 and earlier
James Alexander and Jonathan Smith,
Disinformation: A Taxonomy,
IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine 9(1), pp. 58-63 (Jan./Feb. 2011). DOI
Yun Mao, Feng Wang, Lili Qiu, Simon S. Lam, and Jonathan M. Smith,
S4: Small State
and Small Stretch Routing Protocol for Large Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 18(3), pp.
761-774 (June 2010). DOI
Scott Alexander, Steve Bellovin, Alice Cheng, Brian Coan, Andrei Ghetie,
Vikram Kaul, Nicholas F. Maxemchuk, Henning Schulzrinne, Steven Schwab,
Bruce Siegell, Angelos Stavrou, and Jonathan M. Smith, The Dynamic Community of
Interest and its Realization in ZODIAC, IEEE Communications
Magazine (Special Issue on Military Communica- tions) 47(10), pp. 40-47
(October 2009). DOI
Jonathan M. Smith, Marc P. Olivieri, Alex Lackpour, and Nicholas
RF- Mobility Gain: Concept, measurement campaign and exploitation, IEEE Wireless Commu- nications Special Issue on
Wireless Communications in Networked Robotics 16(1), pp. 38-44
(February 2009). DOI
Matt Blaze, Sampath Kannan, Angelos D. Keromytis, Insup Lee, Wenke Lee,
Oleg Sokolsky, and Jonathan M. Smith,
Dynamic Trust Management,
IEEE Computer (Special Issue on Trust Management), pp. 44-52
(February 2009). DOI 10.1109/MC.2009.51.
- Yun Mao, Bjorn Knutsson, Honghui Lu, and Jonathan M. Smith,
DHARMA: Distributed Home Agent for Robust Mobile Access,
in Proc. INFOCOM 2005 (2005). DOI
- K. G. Anagnostakis, M. B. Greenwald, S. Ioannidis, D. Li, and
J. M. Smith,
Flexible Network Monitoring with FLAME,
Computer Networks, to appear (2005).
- Noriyuki Takahashi and Jonathan M. Smith,
Hybrid Hierarchical Overlay Routing (Hyho): Towards Minimal Overlay Dilation,
IEICE Transactions Inf. and Syst. (Special Issue on
New Technologies and their Applications of the Internet),
Vol. E87-D(12), pp. 2586-2593 (December 2004).
- Dirk Bergemann, Joan Feigenbaum, Scott Shenker, and Jonathan
M. Smith,
Towards An Economic Analysis of Trusted Systems,
in Proceedings, 3rd Annual Workshop on Economics and Information Security
(May 13-14, 2004).
- M. DeYoung, N. Henke, G. Wai, and J. Smith,
Rethinking Mobile Telephony with the IMP,
in Proceedings, European Wireless, Barcelona,
SPAIN (February, 2004), pp. 378-386.
- Jonathan M. Smith and Scott M. Nettles,
Active Networking: One View of the Past, Present and Future,
IEEE Transactions On Systems,
Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, Vol. 34(1),
pp. 4-18 (February 2004).
Ilija Hadzic and Jonathan M. Smith,
Balancing Performance
and Flexibility with Hardware Support for Network Architectures,
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 21(4),
pp. 375-411 (November 2003)
- Michael Hicks, Angelos D. Keromytis, and Jonathan M. Smith,
A Secure PLAN (Extended Version), IEEE Transactions On
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and
Reviews, Vol. 33(3), pp. 413-426 (August 2003).
- Sotiris Ioannidis, Steven M. Bellovin, John Ioannidis, Angelos
Keromytis, and Jonathan M. Smith,
Design and Implementation of Virtual Private Services,
in Proceedings of the IEEE International
Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative
Enterprises (Workshop on Enterprise Security, Special Session on Trust
Management in Collaborative Global Computing) (June, 2003).
Earlier version available as U Penn. CIS Technical Report MS-CIS-01-13
- Stefan Miltchev, Vassilis Prevelakis, Sotiris Ioannidis, John
Ioannidis, Angelos D. Keromytis, and Jonathan M. Smith,
Secure and Flexible Global File Sharing,
in Proceedings, USENIX 2003 (FREENIX track) (June 2003), pp. 165-178.
- F. Herz, J. Smith, and D. Parkes,
Location Enhanced Information Delivery System,
U.S. Patent No. 6,571,279 (May 27, 2003).
- Angelos D. Keromytis, Sotiris Ioannidis, Michael B. Greenwald,
and Jonathan M. Smith,
The STRONGMAN Architecture,
in Proceedings, DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exhibition,
IEEE Press, Washington, DC (April 22-24 2003), pp. 178-188. ISBN 0-7695-1897-4
- James Alexander and Jonathan Smith,
Engineering Privacy in Public: Confounding Face Recognition,
in Privacy Enhancing
Technologies, Third International Workshop, PET 2003, Dresden,
Germany, March 26-28, 2003, Revised Papers, ed. Roger Dingledine,
Springer-Verlag, Dresden, Germany (2003), pp. 88-106. ISBN
- Jonathan M. Smith,
Gigabit Networks,
in The Communications Handbook, Second Edition, ed. Jerry D. Gibson,
CRC Press (2002), pp. 38-1-38-8. ISBN 0-8493-0967-0
- Jonathan M. Smith,
The Impact of ATM on Operating Systems,
ACM Computer Communications Review (2002).
- Sotiris Ioannidis, Steven M. Bellovin, and Jonathan M. Smith,
Sub-Operating Systems: A New Approach to Application Security,
in 10th SIGOPS European Workshop, September, 2002.
- Michael Hicks, Angelos D. Keromytis, and Jonathan M. Smith,
A Secure PLAN (Extended Version),
in Proceedings, DARPA Active Networks
Conference and Exposition, IEEE Computer Society Press, San Francisco,
CA (2002), pp. 224-237.
- K. G. Anagnostakis, S. Ioannidis, S. Miltchev, J. Ioannidis,
M. Greenwald, and J. M. Smith,
Efficient Packet Monitoring for Network Management,
in Proceedings, IEEE NOMS, Florence, IT (April
2002), pp. 423-436.
- K. G. Anagnostakis, S. Ioannidis, S. Miltchev, and J. M. Smith,
Practical Network Applications on a Lightweight Active Management
in Proceedings, International Working Conference on
Active Networks, ed. I. Marshall, S. Nettles, and N. Wakamiya,
Springer-Verlag, Philadelphia, PA (September/October 2001),
pp. 101-115.
- D. Scott Alexander, Paul B. Menage, Angelos D. Keromytis, William
A. Arbaugh, Kostas G. Anagnostakis, and Jonathan M. Smith,
The Price of Safety in an Active Network,
Journal of Communications and
Networks, Vol. 3(1), pp. 5-18 (March 2001).
- William A. Arbaugh, David J. Farber, Angelos D. Keromytis, and
Jonathan M. Smith,
Secure and Reliable Bootstrap Architecture,
U.S. Patent No. 6,185,678 (February 6th, 2001).
- Sotiris Ioannidis, Angelos D. Keromytis, Steve Bellovin, and
Jonathan M. Smith,
Implementing a Distributed Firewall,
in Proceedings, ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security,
Athens, GREECE (November 2000), pp. 190-199.
- A. Galis, B. Plattner, J. M. Smith, S. Denazis, E. Moeller, H.
Guo, C. Klein, J. Serrat, J. Laarhuis, G. Karetsos, and C. Todd,
A Flexible IP Active Networks Architecture,
in Proceedings, Second
International Working Conference on Active Networks, ed. H. Yasuda,
Springer-Verlag, Tokyo (October 16-18, 2000), pp. 1-15.
- K. G. Anagnostakis, M. W. Hicks, S. Ioannidis, A. D. Keromytis,
and J. M. Smith,
Scalable Resource Control in Active Networks,
in Proceedings, Second International Working Conference on Active
Networks, ed. H. Yasuda, Springer Verlag, Tokyo (October 16-18, 2000),
pp. 343-357.
- D. S. Alexander, W. A. Arbaugh, A. D. Keromytis, S. J. Muir, and
J. M. Smith,
Secure Quality of Service Handling (SQoSH),
IEEE Communications Magazine (Special Issue on Active, Programmable and
Mobile Code Networking), Vol. 38(4), pp. 106-112 (April 2000).
- D. S. Alexander, W. A. Arbaugh, A. D. Keromytis, and J. M.
Security in Active Networks,
in Secure Internet Programming:
Security Issues for Mobile and Distributed Objects, ed. Jan Vitek and
Christian Jensen, Springer-Verlag (1999), pp. 433-451.
- Jonathan M. Smith, Jeffrey D. Chung, and C. Brendan S. Traw,
in Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, ed. John Webster, Wiley, New York, NY (1999), pp. 667-673.
- Ilija Hadzic, Sanjay K. Udani, and Jonathan M. Smith,
FPGA Viruses,
in Field Programmable Logic 1999, Springer-Verlag, Edinburgh,
UK (1999), pp. 291-300.
- Jonathan S. Shapiro, Jonathan M. Smith, and David J. Farber,
EROS: A Fast Capability System,
in Proceedings, 17th SOSP, Kiawah Island, SC (Dec., 1999), pp. 170-187.
- D. Scott Alexander and Jonathan M. Smith,
The Architecture of ALIEN,
in Proceedings, First International Working Conference on
Active Networks, ed. Covaci, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (June 30-July
2nd, 1999), pp. 1-12.
- Jonathan M. Smith, Kenneth L. Calvert, Sandra L. Murphy, Hilarie
K. Orman, and Larry L. Peterson,
Activating Networks: A Progress Report,
IEEE Computer, Vol. 32(4), pp. 32-41 (April 1999).
- Jonathan M. Smith,
Selected Challenges in Computer Networking,
IEEE Computer, Vol. 37(1), pp. 40-42 (January 1999).
- William A. Arbaugh, Angelos D. Keromytis, and Jonathan M. Smith,
DHCP++: Applying an efficient implementation method for fail-stop
cryptographic protocols,
in IEEE GLOBECOM 98, Sydney, AU (November 1998), pp. 59-65.
- I. Hadzic, W. S. Marcus, and J. M. Smith,
On-the-fly Programmable Hardware for Networks,
in IEEE GLOBECOM 98, Sydney, AU
(November, 1998).
- D. S. Alexander, W. A. Arbaugh, A. D. Keromytis, and J. M.
Safety and Security of Programmable Network Infrastructures,
IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 36(10), pp. 84-92 (October 1998).
- W. Marcus, I. Hadzic, T. McAuley, and J. Smith,
Protocol Boosters: Applying Programmability to Network Infrastructures,
IEEE Communications, Vol. 36(10), pp. 79-83 (October 1998).
- D. Scott Alexander, M. W. Hicks, Pankaj Kakkar, Angelos D.
Keromytis, Marianne Shaw, Jonathan T. Moore, Carl A. Gunter, Trevor
Jim, Scott M. Nettles, and J. M. Smith,
The SwitchWare Active Network Implementation,
in Proceedings, ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ML,
Baltimore, MD (Sept. 26, 1998), pp. 67-76.
- William A. Arbaugh, James R. Davin, David J. Farber, and Jonathan
M. Smith,
Security for Virtual Private Intranets,
IEEE Computer (Special Issue on Broadband Networking Security), Vol. 31(9),
pp. 48-55, Cover Feature (September 1998).
- J. M. Smith, I. Hadzic, and W. Marcus,
ACTIVE Interconnects: Let's have some guts!,
in Proceedings, IEEE Hot Interconnects
Workshop, Palo Alto, CA (August 13-15, 1998), pp. 159-173.
- S. J. Muir and J. M. Smith,
Supporting continuous media in the Piglet OS,
in The 8th International Workshop on Network and Operating
Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video, Cambridge, UK (July 8-10,
1998), pp. 99-102.
- D. S. Alexander, W. A. Arbaugh, A. D. Keromytis, and J. M.
A Secure Active Network Environment Architecture: Realization
in SwitchWare,
IEEE Network Magazine, special issue on Active and
Programmable Networks, Vol. 12(3), pp. 37-45 (May/June 1998).
- D. S. Alexander, W. A. Arbaugh, M. W. Hicks, P. Kakkar, A.
D. Keromytis, J. Moore, C. A. Gunter, S. M. Nettles, and J. M. Smith,
The SwitchWare Active Network Architecture,
IEEE Network Magazine,
special issue on Active and Programmable Networks, Vol. 12(3),
pp. 29-36 (May/June 1998).
- D. C. Feldmeier, A. J. McAuley, J. M. Smith, D. S. Bakin, W.
S. Marcus, and T. M. Raleigh,
Protocol Boosters,
IEEE Journal on
Selected Areas in Communication (Special Issue on Protocol
Architectures for 21st Century Applications), Vol. 16(3), pp. 437-444
(April 1998).
- W. A. Arbaugh, A. D. Keromytis, D. J. Farber, and J. M. Smith,
Automated Recovery in a Secure Bootstrap Process,
in Internet Society 1998 Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security,
San Diego, CA (1998), pp. 155-167.
- Steve Muir and Jonathan M. Smith,
Functional Divisions in the Piglet Multiprocessor Operating System,
in Proceedings of the 8th
SIGOPS European Workshop (1998), pp. 255-260.
- S. J. Muir and J. M. Smith,
AsyMOS: An Asymmetric Multiprocessor Operating System,
in Proceedings, 1st OpenARCH Conference, San
Francisco, CA (April, 1998), pp. 25-34.
- Faik Goktas, Jonathan M. Smith, and Ruzena Bajcsy,
Telerobotics over Communication Networks: Control and Networking Issues,
in 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA (December
1997), pp. 2393-2399.
- Angelos Keromytis, John Ioannidis, and Jonathan M. Smith,
Implementing IPSec,
in Proceedings, IEEE GlobeCom Conference,
Phoenix, AZ (November, 1997), pp. 1948-1952.
- D. Scott Alexander, Marianne Shaw, Scott M. Nettles, and Jonathan
M. Smith,
Active Bridging,
in Proceedings, ACM SIGCOMM Conference, Cannes, FR (October 1997), pp. 101-111.
- Ilija Hadzic and Jonathan M. Smith,
P4: A platform for FPGA implementation of Protocol Boosters,
Springer-Verlag (1997), pp. 438-447. (Field Programmable Logic 1997 Conference)
- Jonathan M. Smith,
Gigabit Networks,
in The Communications Handbook, ed. J. Gibson, IEEE Press/CRC Press (1997),
pp. 672-680. ISBN 0-8493-8349-8
- A. Mallet, J. Chung, and J. M. Smith,
Operating System Support for Protocol Boosters,
in Proceedings, 1997 HIPPARCH Workshop, Uppsala, SWEDEN (1997).
Earlier version available as UPENN CIS TR# MS-CIS-96-13
- William A. Arbaugh, David J. Farber, and Jonathan M. Smith,
A Secure and Reliable Bootstrap Architecture,
in IEEE Security and Privacy Conference, Oakland, CA (May, 1997), pp. 65-71.
- D. L. Tennenhouse, J. M. Smith, W. D. Sincoskie, D. J.
Wetherall, and G. J. Minden,
A Survey of Active Network Research,
IEEE Communications, Vol. 35(1), pp. 80-86 (January, 1997).
- Faik Goktas, Jonathan M. Smith, and Ruzena Bajcsy,
u-Synthesis for Distributed Control Systems with Network-Induced Delays,
in Proceedings, 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, JAPAN
(December 11-13, 1996), pp. 813-814.
- Jonathan S. Shapiro, David J. Farber, and Jonathan M. Smith,
The Measured Performance of a Fast Local IPC,
in Proceedings of the 5th
International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems,
Seattle, WA (November 1996), pp. 89-94.
- Klara Nahrstedt and Jonathan M. Smith,
Design, Implementation and Experiences of the OMEGA End-Point Architecture,
IEEE Journal on
Selected Areas in Communications (Special Issue on Multimedia
Systems), Vol. 14(7), pp. 1263-1279 (September, 1996).
- Jonathan S. Shapiro, David J. Farber, and Jonathan M. Smith,
State Caching in the EROS Kernel: Implementing Orthogonal Persistence
in a Pure Capability System,
in Persistent Object Systems: Principles
and Practice, ed. Richard Connor and Scott Nettles, Morgan Kaufmann
(1997), pp. 88-100. (presented at 7th Workshop on Persistent Object
Systems May, 1996)
- Klara Nahrstedt and Jonathan M. Smith,
New Algorithms for Admission Control and Scheduling to Support Multimedia
Feedback Remote Control Applications,
in Proc. International Conference on Multimedia
Communications Systems (1996), pp. 532-539.
- Jeffrey D. Chung, C. Brendan S. Traw, and Jonathan M. Smith,
Event-Signaling within Higher Performance Network Subsystems,
in Proceedings, High Performance Communications Subsystems, Mystic, CT
(August 23-25, 1995), pp. 220-225.
- C. Brendan S. Traw and Jonathan M. Smith,
Striping within the Network Subsystem,
IEEE Network, pp. 22-32 (July/August 1995).
- S. Personick, D. Crawford, R. Gallager, J. Jaffe, J. Kurose,
D. Leeper, C. Manders, B. McCune, A. McLaughlin, J. M. Smith, L.
Streeter, L. Wishart, and B. Zeigler,
Commercial Multimedia Technologies for Twenty-First Century Army
Battlefields: a Technology Management Strategy,
National Academy Press, Washington, DC (1995).
- Klara Nahrstedt and Jonathan M. Smith,
The QoS Broker,
IEEE Multimedia Magazine, Vol. 2(1), pp. 53-67, (also appeared in Nikkei
Electronics, 1995.10.9 no. 646, pp. 169-186, in Japanese) (Spring,
- Gary Delp, David Farber, Ronald Minnich, Jonathan M. Smith,
and Ivan Ming-Chit Tam,
Memory as a Network Abstraction,
in Readings in Distributed Computing Systems, ed. Thomas L.
Casavant and Mukesh Singhal, IEEE CS Press, Order Number
3032, Piscataway, NJ (1994), pp. 409-423. (revised version
of IEEE Network paper)
- Jonathan M. Smith,
PDIS and The Information Highway,
in Proceedings, Parallel and Distributed Information Systems,
Austin, TX (Sept. 28-30 1994), pp. 220-222. Invited Presentation/Paper.
- Klara Nahrstedt and Jonathan M. Smith,
A Service Kernel for Multimedia Endstations,
in Proceedings, 2nd International Workshop on
Advanced Teleservices and High-Speed Communication Architectures,
ed. Ralf Steinmetz, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (September
26-28, 1994), pp. 8-22.
- Ruzena Bajcsy, David J. Farber, Richard P. Paul, and Jonathan
M. Smith,
Gigabit Telerobotics: Applying Advanced Information Infrastructure,
in 1994 International Symposium on Robotics and
Manufacturing, Maui, HI (August 1994).
- D. Scott Alexander, C. Brendan S. Traw, and Jonathan M. Smith,
Embedding High Speed ATM in UNIX IP,
in USENIX High-Speed Networking
Symposium, Oakland, CA (August 1-3, 1994), pp. 119-121.
- Jonathan M. Smith, C. Brendan S. Traw, and David J. Farber,
Apparatus for Providing Cryptographic Support in a Network,
U.S. Patent No. 5,329,623 (July 12th, 1994).
- Klara Nahrstedt and Jonathan M. Smith,
QoS Negotiation in a Robotics Environment,
in Proceedings, Workshop on Distributed
Multimedia Applications and Quality of Service Verification, Montreal,
CANADA (May 31st-June 2nd, 1994), pp. 153-161.
- C. Brendan S. Traw and Jonathan M. Smith,
A High-Performance Host Interface for ATM Networks, U.S. Patent
No. 5,274,768 (Dec. 28th, 1993).
- K. Nahrstedt and J. M. Smith,
An Application-Driven Approach to Networked Multimedia Systems,
in Proceedings, 18th Conference on
Local Computer Networks, Minneapolis, MN (September 19-22, 1993),
pp. 361-368.
- Jonathan M. Smith and C. Brendan S. Traw,
Giving Applications Access to Gb/s Networking,
IEEE Network, Vol. 7(4), pp. 44-52,
Special Issue: End-System Support for High-Speed Networks (Breaking
Through the Network I/O Bottleneck) (July 1993).
- J. T. van der Veen, C. Brendan S. Traw, Jonathan M. Smith, and
H. L. Pasch,
Performance Modeling of a High Performance ATM Link Adapter,
in Proceedings, Second International Conference on Computer
Communications and Networks, San Diego, CA (June 28-30, 1993),
pp. 166-173.
- Jonathan M. Smith, Eric C. Cooper, Bruce S. Davie, Ian M.
Leslie, Yoram Ofek, and Richard W. Watson,
Guest Editorial,
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (Special Issue on High
Speed Computer/Network Interfaces), Vol. 11(2), pp. 169-172 (February
- C. Brendan S. Traw and Jonathan M. Smith, "Hardware/Software
Organization of a High-Performance ATM Host Interface,
IEEE Journal
on Selected Areas in Communications (Special Issue on High Speed
Computer/Network Interfaces), Vol. 11(2), pp. 240-253 (February 1993).
- David D. Clark, Bruce S. Davie, David J. Farber, Inder S. Gopal,
Bharath K. Kadaba, W. David Sincoskie, Jonathan M. Smith, and David
L. Tennenhouse,
The AURORA Gigabit Testbed,
Computer Networks and
ISDN Systems, Vol. 25(6), pp. 599-621, North-Holland (January 1993).
- Bruce S. Davie, Jonathan M. Smith, and C. Brendan S. Traw,
Host Interfaces for ATM Networks,
in High Performance Communications,
ed. Ahmed N. Tantawy, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1993), pp. 195-224.
- Bruce S. Davie, Jonathan M. Smith, David D. Clark, David J.
Farber, Inder S. Gopal, Roch Guerin, W. David Sincoskie, and David
L. Tennenhouse,
AURORA: An experiment in gigabit network technologies,
in High Performance Communications, ed. Ahmed
N. Tantawy, Kluwer Academic Publishers (January 1993), pp. 3-25.
- Jonathan M. Smith, C. Brendan S. Traw, and David J. Farber,
Cryptographic Support for a Gigabit Network,
in Proceedings, INET
'92, Kobe, JAPAN (June 15-18, 1992), pp. 229-237. (Inaugural
Conference of the Internet Society)
- Klara Nahrstedt and Jonathan M. Smith,
An Integrated Multimedia Architecture for High-Speed Networks,
in Proceedings, Multimedia '92
Conference, Monterey, CA (April 1992), pp. 70-79.
- D. D. Clark, B. S. Davie, D. J. Farber, I. S. Gopal, B. K.
Kadaba, W. D. Sincoskie, J. M. Smith, and D. L. Tennenhouse,
An Overview of the AURORA Gigabit Testbed,
in Proceedings, INFOCOM 1992,
Florence, ITALY (1992), pp. 569-581.
- C. Brendan S. Traw and Jonathan M. Smith,
Implementation and Performance of an ATM Host Interface for Workstations,
in Proceedings, IEEE Workshop on the Architecture and Implementation of
High-Performance Communications Subsystems (HPCS '92), Tucson, AZ
(February 17-19, 1992), pp. 101-104.
- Jonathan M. Smith,
Protection in Distributed Shared Memories,
in Proceedings, 4th International Workshop on Distributed Environments
and Networks, Tokyo, JAPAN (October 28-31 1991), pp. 197-236.
- Jonathan M. Smith and David J. Farber,
Traffic Characteristics of a Distributed Memory System,
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems,
Vol. 22(2), pp. 143-154 (September 1991).
- C. Brendan S. Traw and Jonathan M. Smith,
A High-Performance Host Interface for ATM Networks,
in Proceedings, SIGCOMM 1991,
Zurich, SWITZERLAND (September 4-6, 1991), pp. 317-325.
- Albert G. Broscius and Jonathan M. Smith,
Exploiting Parallelism in Hardware Implementation of the DES,
in Proceedings,
CRYPTO 1991 Conference, ed. Joan Feigenbaum, Santa Barbara, CA
(August, 1991), pp. 367-376.
- Gary Delp, David Farber, Ronald Minnich, Jonathan M. Smith, and
Ming-Chit Tam,
Memory as a Network Abstraction,
IEEE Network, Vol. 5(4), pp. 34-41 (July, 1991).
- Jonathan M. Smith,
The Software Design Laboratory,
Systems: The Journal of the USENIX Association, Vol. 4(4),
pp. 385-404, University of California Press (1991).
- Jonathan M. Smith,
Practical Problems with a Cryptographic Protection Scheme,
in Advances in Cryptography - Proceedings of
Crypto89, ed. Gilles Brassard, Springer-Verlag (1990), pp. 64-73.
- Jonathan M. Smith,
Rapid Location of Mount Points,
Software: Practice and Experience, Vol. 19(9), pp. 829-838 (September, 1989).
- Jonathan M. Smith and Gerald Q. Maguire, Jr.,
Measured Response Times for Page-Sized Fetches on a Network,
Architecture News, Vol. 17(5), pp. 71-77 (September, 1989).
- Jonathan M. Smith and Gerald Q. Maguire, Jr.,
Transparent Concurrent Execution of Mutually Exclusive Alternatives,
in Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on Distributed Computing
Systems, Newport Beach, CA (June, 1989), pp. 44-52.
- Jonathan M. Smith and Gerald Q. Maguire, Jr.,
Exploring ``Multiple Worlds'' in Parallel,
in Proceedings, International
Conference on Parallel Processing, The Pennsylvania State University
Press, St. Charles, Illinois (August 8-12, 1989), pp. 239-245.
- Jonathan M. Smith and John Ioannidis,
Implementing remote fork() with checkpoint/restart,
IEEE Technical Committee on
Operating Systems Newsletter, pp. 12-16 (February, 1989).
- Jonathan M. Smith,
A Survey of Process Migration Mechanisms,
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, pp. 28-40 (July, 1988).
- Jonathan M. Smith and Gerald Q. Maguire, Jr.,
Process Migration: Effects on Scientific Computation,
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 23(3),
pp. 102-106 (March 1988).
- Jonathan M. Smith and Gerald Q. Maguire, Jr.,
Effects of copy-on-write memory management on the response time of UNIX fork
Computing Systems: The Journal of the USENIX Association,
Vol. 1(3), pp. 255-278, University of California Press (1988).
- Thomas D. Johnson, Jonathan M. Smith, and Eric S. Wilson,
Disk Response Time Measurements,
in Proceedings, Winter 1987 USENIX Technical Conference,
Washington, DC (January, 1987), pp. 147-162.