CIS 480/CIS 899: Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems, Spring 2009
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- Instructor:
Insup Lee
(lee@cis), 602 Levine
- Classes: Tue & Thr 9-10:30 am, Towne 309
- Office hours: Tue & Thr 4:15-5:15 pm
This course is focused
on cyber physical systems with emphasis on real-time issues. Cyber
phsyical systems are integrations of computation and communication
with physical processes. Embedded computers monitor and control
physical processes in real-time. As these embedded computers are
increasingly networked, it is believed that there will be a
revolutionary transformation. Just as personal computers have
transformed from word processors to global communications devices for
information gathering and sharing, embedded computers will change from
small self-contained systems to cyber-physical systems by sensing,
monitoring, controlling our physical environment.
The course is to study priciples, methods, and techiques for building
high-assurance cyber-physical systems. Topics will include
requirements capture and modeling, mental models, assurance cases,
hazard analysis, real-time programming and communication, real-time
scheduling and virtual machines, feedback control in computer systems,
vertification and validation, and evidence-based certification. The
course will include a series of projects that will implement
safety-critical embedded systems (e.g., pacemaker, infusion
- Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems
- CPS applications
- Charateristics and challenges
- Requirements, Modeling, and Analysis
- Requirements capture and modeling
- User mental models
- Architecture description languages
- Assurance cases, harzard analysis
- Implementation Paradigms and Techniques
- Programming paradigms and languages
- Compositional and feedback-based real-time scheduling
- Feedback control in computer systems
- Virutal machines, hypervisors, separation kernels
- Components, Plug-and-play of embedded systems
- Security and Privacy
- Mixed Criticality Systems
- Validation, Verification, and Certification
- Model-based testing
- Run-time verification
- Modular and evidence-based certification
There will be several
homework assignments and a term project. A significant
component of the evaluation will be based on class participation and the design and
implementation of the term project.
Last updpated on 1/30/09 by Insup Lee